An adult man normally needs to eat about 10,000 kilojoules (2,500 calories) a day.
Arctic explorers need about three times that much to keep them going in the cold.
You cannot
with your eyes open.
The first successful heart transplant
took place in 1967. There are now
eight heart transplants in the USA
alone every day.
The largest artery, the aorta,
is about 2 cm (0.78 in) in
diameter. That’s as wide as a
hose pipe.
During puberty, boys can grow 9 cm
(3.5 in) in a year.
Children grow faster
in spring.
In a whole lifetime,
a human passes
45,000 litres
(10,000 gallons)
of urine. That’s
enough to fill a
swimming pool.
In your lifetime, you will drink
about 70,000 litres (16,000 gallons)
of water.
A fingernail would grow 28 m (90 ft) long if
never cut. The middle nail grows fastest, the
thumb slowest.
There are the same number of hairs on the body
of a human being as on a chimpanzee.
The longest beard ever measured was more than
(16 ft) long
and belonged
to Norwegian
Hans Langseth.
The largest organ is the skin, which has a
surface area of about 2 sq m (20 sq ft)
and weighs about 10 kg (22 lb).
Babies don’t have
bony kneecaps.
Their soft
kneecaps begin
to become bony
between the ages
of three and six.
73 per cent of babies’ bodies are
water. This drops to 60 per cent in adult
men and 55 per cent in adult women.
Standing upright burns up 600 kilojoules
(140 calories) of energy in an hour.
In an average
lifetime, you
will walk the
of five times
around the
Babies start dreaming before they are born.
The average human blinks 23 times a minute.
That’s 12 million times a year.
A body releases 2 litres (3.5 pints) of gas per day
as burps or farts.
The most common time of birth is between
3 am and 4 am.
There are 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet.
They can produce a quarter of a litre (half a pint)
of sweat in one day.
When you sleep, you
lose up to 42 g (1.4 oz)
in weight every hour.
The oldest person ever documented was French
woman Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997
aged 122 years and 164 days.
A cough releases
air at speeds up to
100 km/h (60 mph).
Common colds can be caused by one of more
than 200 types of virus.
More people died during the flu pandemic at the
end of World War I than were killed during the war.
-century British surgeon
Robert Liston could cut off
a leg in 28 seconds.
A single sneeze might contain up to
100,000 viruses.
Life expectancy at birth in Japan is 84.2 years –
the highest in the world.
5 m
One in
2,000 babies
is born with a
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