Now 500 times bigger than a
fertilized egg and consisting
of billions of cells of different
types, the fetus, as it is now
called, has all its basic organs
in place and is growing rapidly.
Its large head accommodates a
fast-expanding brain. Fingers
have formed and fingernails
are growing.
Ultrasound scanning, shown here, is a
safe method used to monitor the
development of a fetus, and can also
reveal whether it is a girl or boy. At
this stage, the brain is still growing
rapidly. The fetus can hear sounds and
its eyes respond to light. Its lungs can
now potentially breathe air.
Since their implantation, the cells
have been growing and specializing
and the tiny individual they have
moulded is now recognizably
human. It has facial features, and
fingers and toes have separated.
The internal organs are in place,
and the heart is beating.
Fingers and ears clearly visible, the
movements of the fetus can be felt by
its mother inside her expanding uterus.
The fetus blinks and swallows and
follows phases of sleeping and waking.
The ridges that produce fingerprints
appear on its fingertips.
As pregnancy comes to an end, the uterus
contracts to push the fully grown fetus into the
bright, noisy outside world. The newborn baby
takes its first breath and the umbilical cord is cut.
In the next phases of its growth and development
the baby is completely dependent on its parents for
food, warmth, and protection.
Eyes have
moved from
the side of
the head,
and eyelids
are forming
The fetus receives
food and oxygen
through the umbilical
cord, which is
connected to the
mother via an organ
called the placenta
080_081_reproduction.indd 81 03/01/19 12:09 PM