Publishers Weekly - 04.11.2019

(Barré) #1


Patrias. Cuatro amigos,
dos países y el destino de
la gran migración
(Homelands. Four Friends,
Two Countries, and the Fate of
the Great Mexican-American
Alfredo Corchado
Vintage Español
ISBN 978-0-525-56690-8
The story of the last great Mexican
migration through the eyes of four
friends at a time when the Mexican
population in the U.S. is at an all-time
high. (Sept.)

El placer sexual ordenado por Dios
(God-Ordained Sexual Pleasure)
Ed and Gaye Wheat
Grupo Nelson
ISBN 978-14-041-1136-3
Useful for newlyweds and a
source for pastors and mar-
riage counselors, this book
aims to help people under-
stand and enjoy the gift
God intended for pleasure.

El poder curativo de los
aceites esenciales
(The Healing Power of
Essential Oils)
Eric Zielinski
ISBN 978-84-9111-471-0
Biblical health educator Zielinski
explains how to prioritize health with
essential oils. (Oct.)

El poder de los hábitos.
Por qué hacemos lo que
hacemos en la vida y los
(The Power of Habit)
Charles Duhigg
Vintage Español
ISBN 978-0-525-56714-1
This book argues that by
understanding the three-
step “loop” all habits form
in the brain—cue, routine,

Grupo Nelson
ISBN 978-14-041-1129-5
The Pulitzer Prize–winning author
attempts to show how leaders are made,
not born, exploring the early develop-
ment, growth, and exercise of leader-
ship. (Oct.)

Manson. La historia real
(Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the
Secret History of the Sixties)
Tom O’Neill and Dan
ISBN 978-84-17771-91-1
A journalist’s fascination
with the Manson murders
leads to revelations about
the FBI’s involvement in
this infamous case, in which
young followers of Charles
Manson murdered seven
people in Los Angeles.

Manual de etiqueta y protocolo en la
(A Manual of Etiquette and Protocol at the
Yonel Gómez Benítez
ISBN 978-84-17057-45-9
This book revises interna-
tional etiquette and protocol
in gastronomy through the
study of how the rules of
table manners have evolved.

Neurociencia para vencer
la depresión
(The Upward Spiral: Using
Neuroscience to Reverse the
Course of Depression, One Small Change at
a Time)
Alex Korb
ISBN 978-84-17399-58-0
Neuroscientist Korb aims to demystify
the intricate brain processes that cause
depression and provide an effective and
practical approach with tips on
rewiring the brain toward a happier and

healthier life. (Oct.)

Un niño seguro de sí
(The Self-Confident Child)
Paola Santagostino
ISBN 978-84-9111-483-3
Lack of self-esteem in a child
can cause personality disor-
ders during adult life, such
as addictions and emotional
difficulties. Santagostino
shows different ways to
attempt to strengthen a
child’s confidence. (Nov.)

No podemos callar:
Decirle la verdad en una
cultura que redefine el
sexo, el matrimonio y lo
que está bien o
(We Cannot Be Silent: Telling
the Truth in a Culture That
Redefines Sex, Marriage, and
What Is Right or Wrong)
R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Editorial Vida
ISBN 978-08-297-4777-5
Mohler examines how the
moral revolution
of Western cul-
ture—seen most clearly in
the acceptance of gay mar-
riage—happened and offers
a framework for Christians
to live faithfully amid the
change. (Oct.)

Objetivo: Michael Jackson
(Target: Michael
Concha Calleja
ISBN 978-84-17828-15-8
What if the doctor convicted
of involuntary manslaughter
in the death of Michael
Jackson wasn’t responsible
for his death? This book
responds to this question.
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