Nestled in the highest peaks of the world, the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH)
region’s glaciers feed 10 of the world’s most important river systems; directly
or indirectly supply 1.9 billion people with food, energy, clean air and
incomes; contains four of the world’s biodiversity hotspots and has some of
the poorest populations of the world. As the only regional intergovernmental
learning and knowledge-sharing centre in the HKH region, the International
Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) enables sustainable
and resilient mountain development for improved and equitable livelihoods
through knowledge and regional cooperation.
ICIMOD is seeking a new Director General, who will have the opportunity to
convene and animate regional governments to create the necessary regional
mechanisms and to support national responses to climate change and other
pressing environmental and livelihood issues. The Director General is expected
to give strategic direction and leadership to the pursuit of ICIMOD’s vision and
mission, to raise funds and holds overall responsibility for the accomplishment
of the Centre’s strategic impacts and results and the effective management of
its resources. Leading this work requires a uniquely experienced, talented and
dynamic leader whose depth of management expertise is complemented by
an emotionally intelligent, authentic leadership style that will motivate and
inspire people.
Interested applicants are invited to visit the SRI website for a detailed
description of duties and required experience and qualifi cations. If you wish
to be considered for this position, please apply on the SRI website on or before
1st December 2019. For further information, please contact Marhian Escuro at
[email protected]
ICIMOD is committed to eliciting applications from the broadest diversity in
terms of gender, nationality, ethnicity or belief.
Director General