InStyle USA - 11.2019

(Marcin) #1


wanted Dixie to

have a big-girl

room,” says model

Lily A ldridge

about her motiva-

tion to revamp her

7-yea r-old daug h-

ter’s bedroom. “I

wanted something she could

grow into but also be excited

about now.” Aldridge, who had

her son, Winston, this past

January, worked with Resto-

ration Hardware’s design

team to update both of her

kids’ bedrooms at their Ten-

nessee farmhouse. But for her

daughter’s space, Aldridge

tapped into her own childhood

for inspiration. “I love Dixie’s

bed. I had a similar one when I

was a kid, and I used to swing

from the top. It’s a great mem-

ory for me, and I love that she

gets to create her own memories in her new room. I

also always wanted a pinboard, so I’m living vicariously

through her now,” she says. But for Aldridge, the best

part of the process was that it was done in secret:

“Dixie actually didn’t know we were redecorating her

room—I live for surprising her!”


We focused

on sof t, plush

textures to create a

comfortable spot for

Dixie’s imagination

to run wild.”
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