The New Yorker - 18.11.2019

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n Beijing, he boiled the water. It
was August, so the hottest month
of the year. He put the water into
a thermos and carried the thermos on
a sling. He called himself a cowboy be-
cause he thought he looked dumb. Other
people in the group carried a thermos,
too, though his wife did not. Their tour
guide was Felix. Like Felix the Cat,
Felix said, and he replied, O.K. He had
been to Europe before, the six-hour
time change was fine, but when thir-
teen happened something yellow crusted
around his eyes. The bus was air-con-
ditioned. He dozed off, woke up, and
by then his wife had finished his cow-
boy water. On the Great Wall, he had
to run, since she was sprinting. She had
come here long ago with a cousin. She
was trying to show him a specific spot.
This spot, when they got there, was
where she, admiring the mountains, had
learned from her cousin the word for
“cool.” To not know that word, shuang,
until she was thirteen, did he know how
that felt? But you knew it in English,
he wheezed, no oxygen left. She made
a face. They sprinted on.
The tour would take them through
the big cities. It had been a gift. Her
parents, divorced, said, on separate calls,
We want your first husband to see China
and have good memories from there
and sample its regional foods and see
the warmth of its people and not hate
us civilians should our two great na-
tions ever partake in nuclear war. At
least, that was what his wife said she
had translated, then paraphrased.
He had not wanted to go, but her
family was there, all except for the par-
ents, who now lived in different states.
She had no siblings. So, for years, it had
been just the three of them under one
roof that belonged, depending on the
fight, to either Mom or Dad, but in
truth belonged to the bank.
Do you know what that’s like? she
would ask.
He did. His parents were divorced,
but the divorce had been incredibly nor-
mal. They had not stuck it out, as hers
did, until the day their child left for col-
lege. When his mother became a nag,
his father began to drink. She nagged
him about the drinking, and then he
had an affair. A most American story,
his wife said. She was studying how to
write and had read a lot of Cheever.

In Xi’an, he bought bottled water,
then shared with her a sausage on a stick
that reminded her of childhood. Child-
hood, she said, and went to get another.
Next, they drank something herbal from
red tin cans, and he tried to crush his
can with his grip, but couldn’t, which
made her laugh. Their tour guide was
Helen. Like Helen of Troy, she said, and
he said, Sure. The Terracotta Army im-
pressed him. More so than the Forbid-
den City—crowded—or the Great Wall.
One person in their group got lost. Helen
had rushed them down a long road of
souvenirs and said, Please don’t buy any-
thing, we’re already late for pickup. But
a tourist called Karl stopped to buy
something. The air-conditioned bus
then had to drive another loop, but got
stuck behind a crash and reappeared
two hours later. In those two hours,
Helen became silent. Only when his
wife spoke to her in Chinese did she
reply. All Karl bought was a magnet. At
least buy the entire army. At least buy
us a terra-cotta chariot. Two hours’ wait
for a magnet. Fuck that magnet.


n Chengdu, he drank alcohol. She
took him out for hot pot, for which
the city was known. Hot pot and pan-
das. Their tour guide was Shirley. Like
Shirley Temple, she said, and he said,
All right. Pandas were lazy, he knew,
but now understood. A panda’s main
form of exercise was to eat. He willed
one to move and it just shredded bam-
boo, stalk after stalk. This panda re-
minded him of his father, or the merged
silhouette of his dad and the La-Z-Boy.
Instead of bamboo, his father had eaten
celery, after his mother threw out the
alcohol. Childhood, he said to his wife,
and she told him to respect his elders.
At the hot-pot restaurant, the staff
brought out a cauldron of dark-red
water. This is mild spice? she asked, and
they said it was. Into the red water they
put chili-paste-marinated ribs and hot
peppers. She told him she was going to
cry. Cry or die? he asked, as he had just
a taste and a flamethrower went off in
his mouth. The staff brought them a
bottle of alcohol. Then a plate of wa-
termelon. Per her translation, they said,
All free, please enjoy, and, remember,
don’t be a pussy.
In Beijing, his mother e-mailed, but
he didn’t reply.

In Xi’an, his mother texted, and he
said yes, they had landed.
In Chengdu, his mother called. She
wanted to know if he remembered So-
and-So. His mother worked at UPS,
and So-and-So’s Gam-gam had come
in to mail a package. Gam-gam said
that So-and-So had finally found a job
in D.C. She asked his mother to relay
a message from So-and-So about their
time in high school when they worked
at Chick-fil-A and that fun summer
selling Aflac insurance. So-and-So used
to be his best friend. They had once
dated the same girl, who was now So-
and-So’s wife and obese after three kids.
So-and-So used to play football, de-
fense—that field, green year-round,
was the most expensive part of their
school. Because So-and-So’s job was
government, background checks were
extensive—did he have a record, did he
travel, who were his family and friends.
When his mother paused, he said he
had to go. But wait, his mother said,
you haven’t told me anything about
China. I want to know what you’re doing
and eating. What did you do and eat
today? What are you going to eat and
do tomorrow? Sorry, Mom, he said, I
really have to go.


n Shanghai, they met up with his
wife’s cousin, who lived alone and
worked in a pie shop. Here the prepaid
tour ended and they said goodbye
to Karl and the others. His wife had
booked a room at the Langham. There
were no light switches, just a control
pad by the bed. The toilet lid lifted
each time he passed. In Shanghai, they
ate more. Hot pot, grilled fish, barbe-
cue, fried noodles, soup noodles, soup
dumplings, regular dumplings, an up-
scale KFC. He could no longer remem-
ber hunger.
The cousin spoke English. At one
meal, he asked her about his wife’s Chi-
nese and the cousin replied that his wife’s
Chinese was like that of a toddler.
Sorry? he said.
The cousin said that it was like
talking to someone between the ages
of three and five.
For instance, she and I could not
discuss, in Chinese, politics or culture.
If I asked her what she thought of the
clash between person and state, our
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