Architects Datafile - 11.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


he weather remains one of the
most talked about topics in the
UK, not a day goes by when it’s not
used in polite conversation. However,
recently it has taken a more serious tone
in light of recent flooding events.
Before the autumn of 2018 even arrived
and after months of blistering heatwaves,
storms Ali and Bronagh reminded us how
much damage flash flooding can cause.
In June 2019, parts of the UK were
subjected to a month’s worth of rain in just
24 hours, once again leaving homeowners,
local authorities and housing associations
to deal with the expensive aftermath and
clean up. Increasing pressures for land has
resulted in developers seeking permission
to build in areas “at risk” of flooding, but
with an unprecedented increase in the
demand for housing and an increase in
rainfall, it’s essential that architects do
everything they can to protect these
buildings in the future.

The impact of climate change has been
widely discussed and with the weather
becoming more unpredictable, it came as
little surprise that a WWF study, titled
‘Developing and piloting a UK Natural
Capital Stress Test’, stated that up to 2.5
million homes will be at risk of flooding
by 2050.
According to the Government’s own
figures, nearly two million properties in
floodplains along rivers, estuaries and
coasts in the UK are potentially at risk of

river or coastal flooding, closely mirroring
the statistics provided by the WWF. In
addition, a further 80,000 properties are
at risk in towns and cities from flooding
caused by heavy downpours that
overwhelm urban drains, something that
has become a frequent occurrence over
the years.

Prevention is better than cure
It seems obvious, but floodwater not only
destroys possessions, but also causes
further damage to the property if left to
stand. Ultimately, the duration of the
flood and the height of the water will
determine how much damage is caused.
Architects therefore need to consider
how they can ensure their designs can best
withstand the threat of floods to keep the
building, residents and their belongings as
safe as possible.
Unfortunately, you can never eliminate
the risk of flooding entirely, but you can
reduce the risk of water getting in. We
have all seen countless images of flood-hit
homes with sandbags piled high over main
entrance doors to try and limit the
amount of water entering a property. This
is a reactive strategy that if often
implemented after the water has risen
beyond the threshold and has started to
enter a property.
A flood door is one of the most effective
forms of defence when a flood occurs, and
they are now regularly fitted in ‘at risk’
properties. Their great benefit is that they
are a permanent and discreet solution that
requires no intervention by the occupier,
yet can prevent water up to a depth of
600 mm from entering.
They operate by using a series of
additional locking points that work
together to form a seal around the door
when it is shut and the lock is fully
engaged.  The door remains in permanent
flood defence mode under these

With increased frequency of flooding being experienced across the UK in recent years,
Kevin Kiernan of Bowater Doors looks at the impact of climate change and what
architects need to consider in specifying flood defence doors

Opportunity knocks for ood

defence solutions

It came as little surprise

that a 2017 WWF study

stated that up to 2.5

million homes will be at

risk of flooding by 2050



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