DK - World War II Map by Map

(Greg DeLong) #1


colonial rule 121, 262, 268,
D-Day Landings 186–187
evacuation of Dunkirk
and Greece 76, 78, 79, 80, 81,
home front 62–63
Lend-Lease 70, 71
in the Mediterranean 72, 80–81,
in the Middle East 72, 82
Normandy breakout 194–195
in North Africa 72, 73, 74–77,
130, 142–147, 160–161
Operation Market Garden
outbreak of war 36
phony war 41
post-war 263
SOE 138–139
in Southeast Asia 104, 105, 112,
113, 118–119, 121, 218–219
surrender at Singapore 118–119
V-weapons 192–193
war in the Atlantic 42–43, 66–67
World War I peace treaties 15
and Yugoslavia 202
British 8th Army 77, 142, 161 , 166,
167, 240
British East Indies 112, 113
British Empire 59, 62, 72, 120, 121,
123, 218, 269
British Expeditionary Force 36,
41, 53, 54
Brunei 112
Bryansk 96, 100, 101
Bucharest 183
Buckner, General Simon 254
Budapest 226, 238
Bukit Timah 119
Bulgaria 15, 80, 202, 238, 263
Bulge, Battle of the 226, 228–229,
civilian casualties 121, 204
fightback in 204, 218–219, 246
independence 268
Japanese invasion and
occupation 105, 113,
120–121, 123
Burma National Army 121, 218
Burma railroad 204, 223
Burma Road 121
Bzura, Battle of the 38


Caen 187, 191
Cairo Conference 162
Calais 186, 194

Cambodia 106, 269
camouflage 182
Camp O’Donnell (Capas) 116
Camus, Albert 177
casualties 187
D-Day Landings 186–187
forces from 161, 194, 200, 201,
Cape Bon, Battle of 85
Cape Engaño, Battle of 214
Cape Matapan, Battle of 72, 85
Caribbean 168
Caroline Islands 211, 213
Casablanca 146, 147
Casablanca Conference 158, 162,
172, 206
casualties 272–273
Catania 164
Caucasus 90, 91, 97, 130, 148,
149, 152, 153
Cecil, Lord Robert 17
Celebes 112
Celles 228
Ceylon 121, 268
Chad 57
Chamberlain, Neville 13, 32
Changde, Battle of 221
Changi Prison (Singapore) 119
Changsha, Battle of 221
Channel ports 194
chemical weapons 221
Chemnitz 234
Chengdu 252
Chennault, Colonel Claire Lee
Cherbourg 191
Chetniks 177, 203
Chiang Kai-shek 22 , 23, 26, 121,
162, 266–267
and Burma 120, 121, 218
casualties 221, 273
Civil War 22, 262, 263, 266–267
Communism in 262–263
inter-war turmoil 22–23
Japanese invasion 12, 22, 23,
104, 121
Nationalist government 12
Sino-Japanese War 26–27
US aid 106
US bombing raids on Japan from
252, 253
war with Japan 204, 205,
Chindits 218
Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) 22
Chinese Revolution (1911) 22
Choltitz, Dietrich von 195
Chongqing 220, 226
Chuikov, General Vasily Ivanovich
150, 179

Churchill, Winston
and Iron Curtain 265
Battle of Britain 59
the Blitz 61
and Dunkirk 53
economic warfare 37
electoral defeat 262
and Fall of France 54
and Greece 203
and North Africa 72, 146, 161
quoted 64, 113, 140, 227
summit conferences 68, 162–163,
206, 230–231, 256, 265
surrender of Singapore 118
VE Day 245
Cisterna di Latina 167
civil defense 36, 40, 61, 216
civilian casualties 272, 273
Clark, Major General Mark 147, 167
Clemenceau, Georges 15
code-breaking 127, 170–171
Cold War 262–263, 264–265, 269
Colditz Castle 154
collaborators 130, 159
collective security 16, 17
Colmar 200
Cologne 173, 232
in China 22, 220–221, 266–267
Hitler’s attitude toward 88, 89
and partisans 227
in Soviet Union 15, 92
spread of 262–263, 264–265, 269
concentration camps 31, 39, 92,
131, 134, 135, 136 , 183,
226–227, 232, 233, 274
conscripted labor 133
conscription 62, 114, 158
Arctic 140–141
Atlantic 42–43, 64–65, 67, 130,
Axis 84, 85
Copenhagen Declaration 32
Coral Sea, Battle of the 105, 124,
125, 126, 127
Corinth 203
Corregidor, Battle of 116, 117
Corsica 132, 164
Cossacks 272
Coventry 61
Crete 72, 81, 85
Battle of 73, 82–83
Crimea 88, 91, 96, 97, 99, 101,
148, 149, 159, 180, 181
Croatia 203
cryptography 170–171
Cuban Missile Crisis 265
Cyrenaica 74, 76
creation of 15

falls to communism 262,
263, 264
occupation of 13, 28, 29, 32
resistance 176


D-Day landings (1944) 54, 139,
158, 159, 166, 170, 186–187,
191, 195, 234, 240
Omaha Beach 188–189
Dachau 232, 233
Dakar 57
Dambuster raid 173
Danzig 14, 29
Darlan, Admiral François 147
Darwin 125
Davao 112
de Gaulle, Charles
and Free French Forces 73
and French African colonies
London broadcasts 54
quoted 177
returns to Paris 195
decolonization of Asia 268–269
democracy 19, 263
Deng Xiaoping 267
after World War I 14
assistance to Jews 177
German invasion/occupation
36, 41, 46 , 47, 132, 133
Denmark Strait, Battle of the
66, 67
deportations 159
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes 17
dictatorships 18–19, 92
Diego Suarez 57
Dien Bien Phu, Battle of 268
Dieppe Raid 138, 139
Dietrich, Marlene 114
disarmament 16, 17
displaced persons 159, 262, 272
Dnieper, river 183
Dollfuss, Engelbert 19, 29
Don, river 149, 152, 153
Donets, river 153
Dönitz, Admiral Karl 64, 168 ,
Doodlebugs see V-weapons
Doolittle Raid 253
Dresden, bombing of 226, 234,
235, 236–237
Dubrovnik 80
Duckworth, Vice Admiral H.S.
Duisburg Convoy, Battle of 85
evacuation of 36, 49, 52–53,

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