DK - World War II Map by Map

(Greg DeLong) #1


gulags 92
Gulf of Siam 113
Guomindang (GMD) 22, 266–267
Gustav Line 165, 166
Guzzoni, General Alfredo 164


Haakon VII of Norway 46, 47
Hagen Line 179
Hagushi 254
Hahn, Otto 256
Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia 28,
74, 75
Halbe 242
Halfaya Pass 76, 77
Hamburg 233, 234
Hangzhou 266
Hanover 30–31
Harris, Arthur “Bomber” 173,
235, 236
Hawaii see Pearl Harbor
Hawker Hurricanes 59
Heinkel aircraft 174–175
Hemingway, Ernest 200
Henderson Field 129
Hertogenbosch 201
Heuaktion program 133
Heydrich, Rheinhard 131
Himmler, Heinrich 98
Hindenburg, Paul von 20
Hirohito, Emperor 110, 247,
Hiroshima 246, 247, 254, 256,
258–259, 260, 263, 273, 274
Hiryū 126
Hitler, Adolf
1939–1941 36–37
1942 130–131
1943–1944 158
and Allied bombing 173
and Allied crossing of Rhine
232, 233
appeasement 32
and Britain 41, 59, 61, 173
and communism 88, 89
D-Day landings 186, 188
defeat of Germany 226–227
expansionism 29
fall of Berlin 242–243
and France 54, 132, 195
and Greece 79
Italian campaign 240
and the Jews 31, 130, 134, 135
last major offensive 229
Lebensraum 88, 133
and Mediterranean 80, 83
and North Africa 73, 76, 145
plot to kill 159, 176, 196–197
and Poland 38, 39
rise to power 12–13, 20–21

and Soviet Union 88, 89, 91,
94, 97, 98, 100–101, 148, 149,
152, 178, 181
and Spanish Civil War 24
and Speer 174
suicide 226, 227, 243, 244
support for Italy 72
Hokkaido 253
Hollywood 114
Holocaust 134–135, 136, 159, 272,
Holocaust memorial (Berlin)
Home Army (Poland) 184–185,
Home Guard 62
Hong Kong 105, 112 , 113
Honshu 253
HMS Hood 66, 67
Hoth, General Hermann 152
Huai Hai campaign 266, 267
Hube, Hans 164
Huertgen Forest, Battle of 200,
Hump, the 220, 221
Horthy regency 19
legacy of World War I 14, 15
and Soviet Union 182, 183,
238, 263
Tripartite Pact 80
troops from 88, 91, 152
hydrogen bomb 262, 263


ice roads 94
Iceland 64, 140
Ichigo campaign 205
Ie Shima 254
Imperial Navy, Japanese 204,
205, 211
Imphal, Battle of 205, 218
and Burma 218
independence 262, 269
Japanese attacks on 204, 205,
nationalist movement 105
partition 268, 269
US support for China from
220, 221
in World War II 77, 119,
121, 122–123
Indian National Army 123
Indian National Congress 269
Indian Ocean 121
Indochina 106, 107, 110, 113,
221, 262, 268, 269
Indonesia 263, 268
intelligentsia 39

International Brigades 24
internment, Japanese Americans
114, 272
interwar years 12–13
Iran 70, 73
Iraq 73, 82, 83, 122–123
Ireland 14, 15
Iron Curtain 262, 263, 264–265
island-hopping, Pacific 204, 205,
Ismay, General Hastings 84
creation of 263, 270–271
Jewish emigration to 262
Italian East Africa 28, 72, 75
Allied invasion 146, 158, 159,
164–167, 181
campaigns in North Africa 72,
74–75, 76, 160
declares war on US 111
final struggles in 240–241
from Anzio to the Gothic Line
German surrender in 227
Greco-Italian War 78–79
imperial ambitions 28–29, 32,
72, 79 , 133
joins war 72, 84
in Mediterranean 73, 79, 80,
84–86, 145
occupation of Greece 203
partisans 159, 176, 227, 240 , 241
rise of Fascism 12, 18, 19, 28, 79
sabotage operations in 138
and Soviet Union 91, 152
Iwo Jima, Battle of 208, 246, 247,
250–251, 253, 254, 255
Izyum 100, 101


advances 112–113
Allied bombing 246, 252–253,
258–259, 272, 273
at war with China 204, 205,
at war with US 104–105
attack on Pearl Harbor 68,
109, 208
and Axis Powers 32
Battle of Iwo Jima 250–251
Battle of Leyte Gulf 214–215
Battle for the Marianas 212–213
Battle of Midway 126–127
Battle of Okinawa 254–255
and Burma 120–121, 123, 218
casualties 119, 212, 253, 254,
258, 259, 273
civil defense 216

defeat 246–247, 266
economic embargo against 107
goes to war 108–109
Guadalcanal 128–129
Hiroshima and Nagasaki 246,
247, 254, 256, 258–259, 260
invades China 12, 22, 23, 104,
invades Manchuria 17, 22, 23,
26, 107, 110, 223
kamikaze tactics 216–217
militarism and imperialism 13,
104, 106–107, 109
Operation Cartwheel 206–207
Pearl Harbor 110–111
and the Philippines 116–117,
post-war 262, 263
Potsdam Declaration 230
rule in East Asia 222–223
sanctions imposed on 109
setbacks (1942) 124–125
Sino-Japanese War 26–27
takes Singapore 118–119
Tripartite Pact 80
unconditional surrender 246,
247, 260–261, 266
US war against 204–205
use of chemical and biological
weapons 221
see also Pacific War
Java 112
creation of Israel 270–271
in Denmark 177
ghettos 36, 39, 134, 135, 136–137
Holocaust 130, 131, 134–135, 136,
159, 272, 273
Kristallnacht 30–31
massacre of Russian 98–99, 134
in Palestine 73
Warsaw Ghetto 39, 136–137
Johore Strait 118, 119
July Plot 196–197
Juno Beach 186, 187


Kalach 149, 152
Kalinin 96, 100
kamikaze tactics 205, 215,
216–217, 246, 255
Kammhuber Line 172
Kanalkampf (Channel Battle)
Karelian Isthmus 44, 45, 272
Kassala 75
Kassel 233
Kasserine Pass, Battle of 160, 161
Kaunas 183
Kavieng 206, 207

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