DK - World War II Map by Map

(Greg DeLong) #1


Sarawak 112
Sardinia 164
Savo Island 123
Scapa Flow 42, 64, 65, 67
Scheldt Estuary 200, 201
Schweinfurt 173
Seelow Heights, Battle of 242
Senegal 56
Serbia 132, 177, 203
Sevastopol 180, 181
Siege of 97, 131, 148
Sèvres, Treaty of 14, 15
sexual slavery 223
Shanghai 23, 26, 266
Shibazaki, Rear Admiral Keiji
Shigemitsu, Mamoru 261
Shostakovich, Dmitri 274
Shuri Castle 255
Šiauliai 183
Siberia 101, 107
Sibuyan Sea, Battle of 215
Allied landings 158, 164–165,
German airfields in 161
Sidi Abd Rahmen 144, 145
Sidi Barrani 74
Sidi Bou Zid 160
Siegfried Line see Westwall
Siena 167
Sierra Leone 56
signals intelligence (SIGNIT)
Silesia 238
Singapore 105, 109, 121
surrender of 118–119
Sino-Japanese War 26–27
slave labor 92, 130, 158
Slavs 135
Slim, General William 121,
Slovakia 91, 182
Smolensk 88, 90, 91, 100,
Smuts, Jan 17
Solomon Islands 124, 125,
129, 206–207, 211
Somaliland 74, 75, 79
Sook Ching massacre 119
South Africa 77, 161
South China Sea 113
South Korea 268
South Vietnam 269
Southeast Asia
Japan takes Burma 120–121
Japanese ambitions in 104,
105, 107
Japanese rule 222–223
Soviet Union
advances on Germany 159,
184, 226, 232, 233, 242–243

Arctic convoys 140–141
and Balkans 202, 203
Battle of Kursk 178–179
birth of 12, 19
casualties 150, 179, 182, 272,
civilian deaths 92
Cold War 262–263
declares war on Japan 105,
247, 260
final attack 238–239
German advance on Moscow
German advance to Stalingrad
German invasion/occupied
territories 50–51, 71, 88–91,
94–99, 130, 131, 133
home front 92–93
invasion of Poland 38–39
Iron Curtain 262, 263, 264–265
and Japanese ambitions 107
Lend-Lease 71
liberalization of 265
massacres of Jews 98–99, 134,
nuclear weapons 264
Operation Bagration 182–183
pact with Nazis 13, 32–33
post-war 230
POWs 154
and pro-Communist guerrillas
relief of Moscow 100–101
Siege of Leningrad 94–95
Stalingrad 150–153
sweeps forward 180–181
takes Berlin 226, 227
Winter War in Finland 44–45,
see also Russia
Spanish Civil War 12, 13, 16,
under Franco 263
in World War II 24 , 72
Spazio Vitale, Lo 133
Special Operations Executive
(SOE) 130, 138–139, 177
Speer, Albert 174
Spitfires 59
Spree, river 242, 243
St.-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of
14, 15
Stalin, Joseph 32
Arctic convoys 140
and Balkans 202, 203
death of 263
Nazi-Soviet Pact 13
paranoia and purge of the
army 91
purges 181

and Stalingrad 150
Tehran Conference 162
war with Germany 88, 89,
100, 149, 235, 243, 244
Yalta and Potsdam 230–231,
German advance to 130,
Soviet victory at 131, 152–153,
154, 158, 182
under siege 101, 140, 150–151
Stauffenberg, Colonel Claus von
176, 197
stormtroopers 51
Strassman, Fritz 256
Strategic Bombing Offensive
Strehla 233
submarine war 84
see also U-boats
Sudan 74, 75
Sudetenland 13, 29
Suez Canal 72, 84, 145, 146
suicide attacks 216, 251
suicides 205, 254, 255
Sumatra 112, 118
summit conferences 162–163
Surigao Strait, Battle of 214
Sweeney, Major Charles 259
Sword Beach 186, 187
Sydney 125
Syria 73, 82, 83


Taiwan 22, 214, 220, 223,
266, 267
Takijuro, Vice-Admiral Onishi
tank warfare 51, 88, 158
German and Soviet 179
Taranto, Battle of 72, 84
Tarawa Atoll 204, 211
Tasman Sea 125
Tatars 159
technology 158–159, 256–257
Tehran Conference 159, 162,
Telemark 139
Terracina 167
Teruel, Battle of 24, 25
Thailand 107, 113
Third Reich 20
Tianjin 267
Tibbets, Colonel Paul 258
Tikhvin 101
Tilburg 201
Timor 112
Tinian 212, 213, 258, 259
Tirana 79

Tito (Josip Broz) 176, 202,
203, 238, 264
Tmini 142
Tobruk 74, 142, 143
siege of 76–77, 83
Todt, Fritz 174
Tojo, Hideki 105, 107, 109 ,
110, 205, 221
firebombing of 246, 252,
Japanese surrender in 247
Torgau 226, 227, 233, 238
Toulon 147, 195
Toungoo, Battle of 120, 121
Treasury Island 206
Treblinka 134, 136, 183
Trianon, Treaty of 14, 15, 19
Tripartite Pact (1940) 32, 80
Truk Lagoon 213
Truman, Harry S. 227, 230,
246, 265
Truman Doctrine 262, 265
Tula 101
Tulagi Island 123, 125
Tunisia 84, 85, 145, 146, 147,
158, 161, 164
Turin 240
Turkey 14, 15, 80, 84
Typhoon of Steel 254


U-boats 37, 42, 64 , 130, 170
Arctic convoys 140, 141
defeat of 158, 168–169, 194
in Mediterranean 84
start of the U-boat war
Ukraine 15, 89, 91, 97, 100,
133, 180, 181, 183,
235, 242
Ultra decryptions 59, 170
underground war 138–139
unemployment 19, 263
United Nations 262
United States
aid to China 106
Allied advance on Germany
198, 200, 201, 243
amphibious warfare 208–209
anticommunism 263
at war with Japan 104–105,
Atlantic War 168–169
attack on Pearl Harbor 104,
109, 113
Battle of the Bulge 191, 228,
Battle of Leyte Gulf 214–215
Battle for the Marianas 212–213

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