DK - World War II Map by Map

(Greg DeLong) #1



The triumph of German armies in the first phase of World War II made

Adolf Hitler the master of continental Europe. Under the leadership of

Winston Churchill, Britain successfully resisted a German aerial onslaught,

but with no immediate prospect of more than mere survival.

When World War II broke out in
September 1939, there were no
cheering crowds as there had been in
World War I. The British and French governments reluctantly
entered a conflict that they had not wanted, and took no
action to aid the Poles, on whose behalf they had declared
war on Germany. Quickly defeated and divided between
Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, Poland was subjected
to the mass killing of its educated elite, and its Jews were
driven into ghettos. Britain and France rejected a peace offer
from Hitler after his victory in Poland, but had no desire for
military action. The French army based
itself on the Maginot Line, the
fortifications that were supposed
to block a German invasion, while a
British Expeditionary Force headed
to northern France. However, little
actually happened, except at sea. The
lack of military action led to this period
being dubbed the “phony war.”
In Britain, preparations for
conflict had been under way long
before war was officially declared.
Civil defense programs set up to cope
with air raids were implemented
immediately, and blackouts were
introduced in cities, although
expectations that Germany would
undertake a swift aerial attack proved

mistaken. In British cities, children were evacuated
days before the declaration of war, likewise the residents
in France’s frontier zone. By the time war broke out,
Germany’s economy had already been geared to war for
over a year, and Britain and France had begun to rearm.
Indeed, armaments programs and military conscription
ended the mass unemployment of the interwar period.

Germany storms Europe
Some politicians, especially in France, would have preferred
to fight the Soviet Union rather than Nazi Germany. They
toyed with plans for intervention in
support of Finland after it was attacked
by the Soviets in the winter of 1939–1940.
However, in spring 1940 this idea was
abandoned as Germany took decisive
and widespread military action. First,
Hitler sent his armies northward into
Denmark and Norway. He then followed
this by launching a lightning offensive in
France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and
Luxembourg. Combining tanks and
aircraft in fast-moving “Blitzkrieg”
tactics, the Germans scored a series of
astonishing victories. On the Western
front, the French and British armies were
routed in six weeks, although many
soldiers escaped capture through the
evacuation of Dunkirk in May–June 1940.

△ Third Reich medal
The Knight’s Cross, introduced by
Hitler in 1939, was awarded to German
soldiers for acts of exceptional valor
or skill in command.

△ Fleeing civilians
A Parisian family sets out in search of a
safe haven as German forces approach
the French capital in 1940. Two-thirds
of the city’s population fled in panic to
the countryside.

Nazi Germany conquered most
of northern Europe in three
short campaigns: the first against
Poland in September 1939, the
second in Scandinavia beginning
in April 1940, and the third in
Western Europe in May–June

  1. However, after France
    surrendered, Hitler failed to
    pursue an invasion of Britain
    with equal energy and willpower.
    The Luftwaffe’s air attacks caused
    extensive damage but were
    inconclusive. Meanwhile the
    US was increasingly drawn into
    supporting the British war effort.

Sep 3, 1939 Britain
and France declare
war on Germany




Nov 29, 1939
Soviet war with
Finland is triggered

Oct 6, 1939 Hitler makes
speech calling for peace,
rejected by Britain and France

Apr 7, 1940
Forestalling Allied
plans, Germany invades
Denmark and Norway

May 9, 1940
German offensive
in Low Countries
and France begins

Jun 10,
1940 Italy
the war

Sep 29, 1939 Germany
and Soviet Union agree
to partition Poland

Jun 3, 1940
Evacuation of
Allied troops
from Dunkirk
is completed

May 10, 1940
Churchill becomes
prime minister

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