DK - World War II Map by Map

(Greg DeLong) #1


During World War I, the German high command developed a tactic
of using Sturmtruppen (“stormtroopers”) to punch through gaps
in the enemy’s line, followed by heavier infantry. By World War II,
advances in technology—including superior tanks, aircraft capable of
ground support roles, and enhanced radio communications—meant
the German Wehrmacht could develop this tactic further, unleashing
combined arms offensives to penetrate enemy lines, then fan out to
their rear and envelop them in a Kessel (“cauldron”).
The effects of Blitzkrieg were striking. Poland was overwhelmed in
September 1939, as was France in May 1940. The panzer corps sliced
through the French army, reaching the Channel coast and cutting off
much of the Allied army. Variants of Blitzkrieg,
including employing airborne troops to
disorient the enemy by seizing objectives in
the rear, also helped Germany win rapid
victories in Belgium, the Netherlands,
and Norway from April to June 1940.

Lessons learned
Blitzkrieg tactics became less effective
as Germany’s opponents learned counter-
measures, such as attacking the flanks of an
advance, and sacrificing territory to avoid
becoming trapped. This was one of several
reasons why Germany’s attack on the USSR
in 1941 (see pp.90–91) failed disastrously.


The incredible speed at which Germany overran Poland,

France, and other countries in the opening stages of the

war exposed the inadequacy of the Allies’ preparations.

These campaigns became known as Blitzkrieg (“lightning

war”), as they were sudden, intense, and devastating.

△ German Stahlhelm
This steel helmet is typical of the
protective gear issued to German
infantry, who followed up the
advances made by panzers.

△ Operation Barbarossa
When they invaded the USSR in June 1941, Germany made rapid advances against the
Red Army, trapping huge pockets of troops. However, over-extended supply lines and
bad weather meant the advance stalled around Moscow in December.

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