Illustration by Dalbert B. Vilarino
The Business
rowded into the Microsoft
Theater in Los Angeles on
June 9, thousands of video
game fans erupted into applause
when Polish studio CD Projekt
Red debuted a trailer for its new
title, Cyberpunk 2077. That recep-
tion was just a preamble, however,
for a starrier reveal: Keanu
Reeves. The actor quickly became
a trending topic across social
media after a digital version of
his scruffy visage appeared on the
screens surrounding the stage.
Not to be outdone by his virtual
doppelganger, Reeves himself
emerged onstage to cheers amid a
cloud of smoke.
The moment may mark a
notable shift in gaming, a com-
ing out for an already $43 billion
industry that is challenging
established media genres like
film and television by attracting
A-list talent. The John Wick actor
is far from alone.
“I never dreamed that I would
be wearing a motion-capture
suit with Velcro all over me,” says
Norman Reedus, best known
for AMC’s mega-hit The Walking
Dead. Reedus has worked in
games before, voicing the role he
made famous on TV in various
projects, but his work in vener-
able game director Hideo Kojima’s
latest offering, Death Stranding
(released Nov. 8), is different.
Reedus’ friend, Oscar winner
Guillermo del Toro, first tipped
him off to expect a call from
Kojima. “Trust me, just say yes,”
Reedus recalls the filmmaker
telling him. The actor accepted
Kojima’s offer (which at the time
was for an entirely different proj-
ect, a reimagining of the horror
franchise Silent Hill) and has been
shooting footage on soundstages
Stars in Games: It’s More Than a Paycheck
Better scripts, nuanced characters and realistic performance-capture techniques are drawing more actors toward the
$43 billion-plus industry: ‘There are increasingly blurred lines between what is a film and what is a game’
around the world while wearing a
skintight Lycra suit adorned with
rubber balls for the past three
years. “I knew it was going to be a
home run right from the get-go,”
he says.
Reedus had reason to be confi-
dent. Death Stranding is perhaps
the most anticipated game of
the year, the first
title released under
Kojima’s own produc-
tion banner, Kojima
Productions, follow-
ing a divorce from
Japanese game company Konami
in 2015. That partnership proved
fruitful, as Kojima’s Metal Gear
franchise (published by Konami)
has sold more than 49 million
copies since its debut in 1987,
making a star out of its creator
and establishing him as one of
the most enigmatic minds in the
gaming industry.
While Reedus is “not a big
gamer,” other Hollywood stars
have had their sights set on the
industry for years. “I’d been try-
ing to get into games for a long
time,” says Jeremy Davies, who
won a BAFTA Games award this
April for his performance in
2018’s God of War. The adventure
title, which won the top prize at
last year’s Game Awards, was
Davies’ first foray into gaming
after nearly three decades of
amassing credits in Hollywood
projects such as Saving Private
Ryan, Lost and Justified.
The opportunity to por-
tray complex, fleshed out
characters is relatively new
to stars fielding video game
pitches. “Performance-capture
PAT R ICK SH A N L E Y is the gaming
writer at The Hollywood Reporter.
technology has gotten to the
point that they’re not just voicing
the character, they’re playing
the role in a video game. That’s
really important from the talent
perspective,” notes CAA agent
Michael Blank.
“I became an actress because
I love storytelling,” adds Angela
Sarafyan, known for play-
ing Clementine on Westworl d.
She stars in narrative mystery
game Telling Lies from creator
Sam Barlow and Annapurna
Interactive. “I thought this was a
brand-new thing, and it involves
the audience member to not just
experience this but be an active
member.” The actress adds that
she “never had the opportunity”
to work in games before Barlow’s
script (which was more than 220
pages, a significant bump from
traditional screenplays) came
across her desk.
The Te l l i n g Li e s script is not
unusual in its length. Games
typically top 10 hours of con-
tent, with some ballooning to 80
hours or more (such as 2018’s Red
Keanu Reeves’ reveal at E3 on June 9
for Cyberpunk 2077.