Vanity Fair UK - 12.2019

(Sean Pound) #1

doctors to even scratch the surface of

what is wrong with him.

And yet, everything that preceded

the multiweek, reactor 4–level

meltdown—which will more than likely

still be going on by the time you read

this, unless they’ve taken away all the

sharp objects—turned out to be but

a preview of the batshittery that was to

come. Since news broke of a whistle-

blower’s report that he’d pressured

the president of Ukraine to investigate

Joe and Hunter Biden, tying nearly

$400 million in suspended military aid

to the ask—all of which was confirmed

by the readout of the infamous

July 25 phone call released by the White

House—Trump has exhibited all

the symptoms of someone who was

recently bitten by a rabid raccoon

one night after getting lost between

Marine One and the Oval Office.

He’s suggested that the whistle-

blower’s sources are spies who should

be executed like “we used to do in the

old days.” He’s warned of a second Civil

War if he’s impeached. Like a crazed

sub-Redditor laying out an 80-point

post about how the government

controls our minds through the fluoride

in drinking water, he told followers,

of a process laid out in the Constitution:

“As I learn more and more each day,

I am coming to the conclusion that what

is taking place is not an impeachment,

it is a COUP, intended to take away the

Power of the People.” One day, he

screamed about Representative Adam

Schiff, who is leading the impeachment

charge, and jockstraps, while a terrified

Finnish president made a mental note

to treat every day like a gift if he escaped

unharmed. Later, he berated a Reuters

reporter for mentioning Ukraine,

yelling “Did you hear me? Did you hear

me?” and demanding the guy “ASK.


QUESTION” like he was an extra

in GoodFellas. He’s openly admitted to

trying to unmask the whistle-blower

and, one day, sent a tweet that simply

read #FakeWhistleblower! He wants

Nancy Pelosi sued and Schiff tried for

treason. He can’t go an hour without

calling a conversation in which he tried

to extort another country for his

personal gain alternatively “beautiful,”

“a 10,” and, most frequently, “perfect,”

deals, his call for China to help smear
one of his rivals came literal seconds
after commenting, of trade war
negotiations: “I have a lot of options
on China, but if they don’t do what
we want, we have tremendous power.”
(Making it abundantly clear what
Trump was getting at, an ally informed
Chinese government officials,
“Investigating corruption is an easy
way to earn goodwill with Trump.”)
Then there was the night he just came
out and said it, tweeting “As the
President of the United States, I have
an absolute right, perhaps even a
duty, to investigate, or have investigated,
CORRUPTION, and that would
include asking, or suggesting, other
Countries to help us out!”
He believes these things because
he’s two parts crazy, one part stupid,
but also because he’s been engaging
in corruption his entire life, to the
point that it’s second nature. It’s not
so much that he doesn’t understand the
difference between right and wrong,
it’s that corruption is his first instinct,
and the only course of action in his
mind. His brain, like a compromised
immune system, was defenseless
against the infection that is Rudy
Giuliani and the bottom-feeding,
unsubstantiated conspiracy theories
about the Bidens. The other issue
is that, having run for office basically

as a ratings play, Trump moved into the
White House with a toddler’s idea of
what it actually means to be president,
just like he had a toddler’s idea of
what it meant to be a rich person
(gold everything) and played that out.
Of course he was going to use the full
weight of the federal government to go
after insane rumors about his political

bringing to mind a dimly lit, Soviet-era
cell and the words “my perfect phone
call” scratched into the wall by
someone whose brain unhooked itself
from reality some time ago.
For all his short-circuiting, though,
for all the evidence that the last
remaining synapse in his brain, tangled
up in ground beef and stolen office
supplies, is flashing a warning signal
that he’s in peril, it’s still obvious that
Trump believes he’s done nothing
wrong. We know this because not only
is he not trying to cover up his
crimes—only panicked White House
staffers tried to do that—he’s providing
investigators with evidence—and
continuing to openly commit the same
crimes that got him here in the first
place. Believing it would clear his
name, he released a rough transcript
of his call with Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky and continues
to labor under the assumption
that it proves his innocence, despite
the fact that it’s a less subtle version
of O.J. Simpson’s If I Did It, if If
I Did It included Polaroids of Simpson
standing over the bodies holding
the murder weapon. One day after
Democrats launched an official
impeachment inquiry, he sat next to
Zelensky at the United Nations and
told reporters the Ukrainian president
must do “whatever he can do in terms

of corruption,” and then laid out all the
(thoroughly debunked) reasons why
Biden is corrupt. A week later, he stood
on the South Lawn of the White House
and told the press that not only should
Zelensky investigate the Bidens, but
China should too. Driving home that
Beijing’s efforts would be rewarded, in
one of those nifty quid pro quo–type

The transcript is like O.J. Simpson’s

“If I Did It,” if it had Polaroids

of Simpson standing over the bodies

with the murder weapon.


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