Vanity Fair UK - 12.2019

(Sean Pound) #1
“Uh, I did Sports Illustrated and cov-
ered my boobs with a leaf,” says Teigen.
“But hasn’t Melania opened the door
for anyone to be a first lady?” says Leg-
end, with his low chuckle. “The biggest
issue about this presidency is how they’ve
just lowered standards for everything.
Hopefully we’ll reset?”
Trump tweeted about Legend and
Teigen because he had seen an MSNBC
town hall in which Legend and others
discussed America’s shameful mass
incarceration rates—and failed to sing his
praises. Teigen can’t see Trump’s Twitter
account because he blocked her two years
ago for her tweet “lolllllll no one likes
you.” She heard about the president’s
comments because she’s in a daily text
thread with journalist Yashar Ali and Ellen
executive producer Andy Lassner. Ali had
sent screenshots.
“We know this president has a par-
ticular aversion to strong women coming
after him, particularly women of color,”
says Legend. “So he had to call her out.
Every time he does something like this,
he just makes himself look more terrible.
I don’t know that that incrementally con-
vinces anyone not to vote for him, but he
just proves himself to be a shitty human
being every day.”
Asked who they’re supporting in the
2020 election, the couple look at each oth-
er. “Do we want to say?” Legend asks. (For
the record, the only time they balk in
three days of conversation is when Tei-
gen shouts at her husband watching news
in the other room, “John, did you tell her
about your edible experience?” and he
replies, “Let’s not talk about it!”) Leg-
end answers the politics question after
a pause: “My favorite—I’m going to say
it, we’ll break news today—is Elizabeth
Warren. She’s the best candidate run-
ning today and she comes at it with joy
and with sincerity and with a wealth of
knowledge and experience.”
“I love Elizabeth Warren,” says Tei-
gen. “I also love Kamala Harris.”
“Honestly, I don’t comprehend why
guys hate women so much sometimes,”
says Legend. “You see someone as trans-
parently competent and eloquent and on
fire as Elizabeth Warren and then you
hear some guys just are not into voting
for a woman. Why do guys feel so threat-
ened by the idea of a woman president?”
“Our menses,” Teigen whispers in his
ear. “Because there’s 10 days a month
where we’re just going to war.”

DECEMBER 2019 69

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