Vanity Fair UK - 12.2019

(Sean Pound) #1


ost in the wilderness of the
Trump era, Democrats looked
long and hard for a champion:

Robert Mueller, the media, even

Michael Avenatti. But when the party

retook the House in November 2018,

and Nancy Pelosi began her historic

second term as Speaker, no one

doubted the search was over. Often

dismissed as a San Francisco

liberal, she’s now the indispensable

Democrat, contesting with “the Squad”

and centrists alike, winning with

substance and imagery, holding fire

on impeachment until precisely

the right moment. The Speaker talks

to Abigail Tracy about the road to

impeachment, how the Democrats won

in 2018, why Trump is unique among

presidents she’s known, why her

job is like weaving, and the work to be

done after Trump is gone.

Tell me about the moment you

reached the decision to go down the

impeachment path.

I take a lot of guidance from the vision

of our founders, and our founders

fought very hard for our democracy, for

our country, for our Constitution.

In the dark days of revolution, Thomas

Paine said, “The times have found us.”

We believe that the times have found

us to keep the republic from all

enemies, foreign and domestic. And

that would be those who say things

like, “Article II says I can do whatever

I want.” That’s not a republic, that’s

a monarchy. That’s not what we have.

How did your experience as a

legislator during the Bill Clinton

impeachment shape your view?

The Clinton impeachment was totally,

totally wrong for our country. The

president, of course, was personally

wrong to do what he did. But that’s

not an impeachable offense. I was very

concerned at the time—because

I do take impeachment seriously—that

the Republicans were using it very

frivolously and were disrespectful to

the Constitution.

When I became Speaker, people

wanted me to impeach President

George W. Bush over the war in Iraq.

They were misrepresenting to

American people what was happening

in Iraq. But I didn’t think you could

impeach one president and then

go impeach the next president, and


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