The World of Interiors

(C. Jardin) #1



Deborah Turbeville achieved a sense of belonging at the Mexican ‘staging

post’ she dubbed Casa No Name. Discovering the atmosphere she

craved in this semi-derelict house with an unfathomable past the nomadic

fashion photographer famed for her dark style surrounded herself
with plaster saints and wickerwork piñatas and wood carvings – a home

in a foreign land. Text: Robin Muir. Photography: Ricardo Labougle

In the courtyard with its original Moorish arches
and pillars 18th-century frescoes depicting
biblical stories cover the walls – local legend has
it that they were painted by an itinerant priest.
Beyond a bougainvillea tree that Deborah loved
are a staircase and fountain with a cantera
monkey figure all added during the restoration

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