The World of Interiors

(C. Jardin) #1


1 Soaring ceilings call for furnishings on a
similar scale like this painted George II William
Kent frame from Jonathan Sainsbury (£7200).
Its carved scallop-shell decoration and broken
pediment are a grand match for the doorcase in
Julian Barrow’s atelier (page 128). Ring 01258
857573 or visit

2 How handy for the roll-call of artists in this
Tite Street studio to be able to nip straight from
easel to loo – and one decorated with a charm-
ing rosette print at that (page 130). Get the look
with Colefax & Fowler’s small-scale patterned
papers: ‘Ashling’ (left) and ‘Larissa’ cost £58 per
roll. Ring 020 8874 6484 or visit

3 We’re keen to help where we can but we’ll
leave the choice of final resting place to you.
In the meantime we recommend the Raj Tent
Club’s ‘Bhurj’ tent (£3150) which has the ‘cam-
paign’ feel of 19th-century explorer Sir Richard
Burton’s tomb (page 144) but is thankfully
firmly pitched in the land of the living. Ring 020
7820 0010 or visit

4 Fancy being transported to a courtyard
dappled with sunshine (page 182)? Mandarin
Stone’s Atlantic grey ‘Pebble’ tiles (£49.28 per
sq m) can even be laid on very small areas tak-
ing you one step closer to Mexico. Ring 01600
715444 or visit

5 Dorothy’s Tin Man longed for a heart and
we’ve found one. From Milagros’ wide selection
of folk decorations comes this winged version
flying in at £12 which would fit right in on the
kitchen walls of the Mexican casa (page 187).
We’re also longing for a painted votive by the
three Vilchis brothers (£120). Ring 020
7613 0876 or visit

6 Deborah Turbeville is best known
for her moody photographs and her
Mexican home was just as atmospher-
ic. Her choice of heavy weaves on sofas
walls and cushions (page 184) puts us
in mind of copper/bronze ‘Carpet Bag’
(left; £250 per m) and plum ‘Bohem-
ian Velvet’ (£129 per m) by Mulberry
Home. Ring 01202 266800 or visit $

1 2 3 4 5 6


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