The Hollywood Reporter - 30.10.2019

(ff) #1




ou’ll never hear Noah
Baumbach shouting
“action” on a film set.
Instead, he’ll start a scene
by quietly whispering the words
“when you’re ready” or — even
more softly — “begin.”
“I find if we can almost elimi-
nate that line between when we’re
shooting and when we’re not, it
makes it more naturalistic,” says
the famously meticulous 50-year-
old director.

Of course, there’s never been
much of a dividing line between
Baumbach’s real life and his
onscreen one. His 1995 directorial
debut, Kicking and Screaming, was
inspired by his own post-college
malaise; he revisited the trauma
of his parents’ divorce in his 2005
film The Squid and the Whale (Jeff
Daniels even wore Baumbach’s
father’s clothes); and with 2014’s
While We’re Young, a 40-some-
thing Baumbach explored his


How Noah Baumbach’s own split from
Jennifer Jason Leigh inspired ‘a love story
about divorce’ starring Scarlett Johansson
and Adam Driver By Rebecca Ford



fear of aging. But with his latest,
Marriage Story, which is more
than a little bit inspired by
Baumbach’s 2010 divorce from
actress Jennifer Jason Leigh, the
walls between what’s true and
what’s made up are even more
crumbly than usual.
The story centers on a married
couple, a New York-based director
named Charlie (Adam Driver) and
an actress named Nicole (Scarlett
Johansson), who are un-amicably
decoupling amid explosive fights,
bloodthirsty lawyers and a bitter
transcontinental custody battle.
“I discovered in doing a story that
was, on one level, about divorce
could actually be a way to do a love
story,” says Baumbach.
The director says the idea of
making the film had “been per-
colating in the back of my head”
for several years. But it wasn’t
until 2016, while in postproduc-
tion on The Meyerowitz Stories
— his Netflix film about siblings
struggling to survive artistically
successful parents; Baumbach’s
own dad was a novelist and his

mom a Village Voice critic — that
he decided in earnest to make
his “love story about divorce.”
And although Baumbach drew
from his own personal history,
he also spent months research-
ing the subject, talking to divorce
lawyers, judges, mediators —
even querying friends about their
experiences with broken mar-
riages. “When put in an interview
situation, they revealed things
that I didn’t know about at the
time,” he says. “I think divorce
brings up these feelings of failure
and shame.”
Baumbach decided early on,
even as he was writing the script,
that Driver, who had already acted
in three of his movies — as a
lead in While We’re Young and in
smaller roles in Frances Ha and
Meyerowitz Stories — would be
his onscreen alter ego. The two
New Yorkers spent many dinners
hashing out details of the main
characters. It was Driver, who is
married to actress Joanne Tucker
but also a child of divorce, who
suggested that Charlie should be
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