Los Angeles Times - 31.10.2019

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MOSCOW — Following
the cast of characters in the
impeachment inquiry of
President Trump is daunt-
ing, particularly when try-
ing to figure out who’s who
on the Ukrainian side. To
help make things easier,
here’s a snapshot guide to
the main players.

Volodymyr Zelensky
President of Ukraine.
Zelensky won a landslide
presidential election in
April with 73% of the vote,
defeating incumbent Petro
Poroshenko. A political
novice, Zelensky is a former
comedian. He starred in
“Servant of the People,” a
popular television show in
which he played a school-
teacher who unexpectedly
becomes president. He had
been in office just two
months when he received
the now infamous July 25
phone call from Trump that
is at the center of the im-
peachment inquiry.

Andriy Yermak
Top advisor to Zelensky.
Yermak met with Trump’s
private lawyer, Rudolph W.
Giuliani, on several occa-
sions after Zelensky’s elec-
tion in late April. Yermak
said that during the meet-
ings, he became concerned
that the Trump adminis-
tration’s perceptions of
Ukraine were not favorable
or accurate. Yermak’s text
exchanges with Kurt Volker,
the former U.S. special
envoy to Ukraine; Gordon
Sondland, U.S. ambassador
to the European Union; and
acting U.S. Ambassador to
Ukraine William B. Taylor
Jr., in which the advisor
tried to arrange a meeting
between Zelensky and
Trump, were released as
part of the impeachment

Yuri Lutsenko
Ukrainian prosecutor
general from May 2016 to
August 2019. Lutsenko fed
information to Giuliani in
early 2019 that helped fuel
Trump’s conspiracy theo-
ries that former Vice Presi-
dent Joe Biden’s son Hunter
Biden was involved in nefar-
ious dealings with a Ukrain-
ian gas company, as well as
the idea that Ukraine had
colluded with Democrats in
the 2016 U.S. presidential
election. Lutsenko’s ani-
mosity toward former U.S.
Ambassador Marie
Yovanovitch was also
shared with Giuliani and
appeared to stem from her
criticism of his office’s lack
of progress fighting corrup-
tion. His comments about
Yovanovitch may have
contributed to Trump’s
decision to recall the di-
plomat. In the July 25 call,
Trump appeared to praise
Lutsenko, saying he was
“very good” but was “shut

down” by “bad people.” A
close ally of former Presi-
dent Petro Poroshenko,
Lutsenko was fired by Ze-
lensky shortly after the
newly elected president
took office. In early October,
Ukraine opened an investi-
gation into Lutsenko’s
possible abuse of power.

Viktor Shokin
Ukrainian prosecutor
general from February 2015
to March 2016. Shokin was
seen as lax in the pursuit of
corruption cases, leading to
Joe Biden’s push for his
removal in 2016. That call
was backed by other inter-
national donors to Ukraine.
Shokin filed an affidavit
with an Austrian court in
defense of oligarch Dmytri
Firtash, who is fighting
extradition to the U.S. to
face bribery charges. In the
affidavit, Shokin wrote that
Biden had warned the
Ukrainian government to
keep Firtash out of Ukraine
so the tycoon wouldn’t
further influence the coun-
try’s politics. The affidavit
also stated that Poroshenko
dismissed Shokin because
he was investigating the
Ukrainian gas company
where Hunter Biden was a
member of the board of
directors. However, there is
no evidence that Ukraine
was investigating either of
the Bidens at the time of
Shokin’s dismissal.

Dmytri Firtash
Ukrainian oligarch fight-
ing U.S. extradition charges
in Vienna. A U.S. District
Court indicted Firtash in
2013 on bribery and racket-
eering charges stemming
from allegations that he
paid bribes to Indian offi-
cials in a titanium deal.
Firtash made his fortune
selling Russian and Central
Asian gas to Ukraine. His
business interests include
titanium, metals, chemicals
and media. He financially
backed pro-Russia political
parties in Ukraine, had
business ties with former
Trump campaign chairman

Paul Manafort and claims
that the U.S. charges
against him are politically

Lev Parnas
Ukrainian-born Ameri-
can businessman who
worked as a fixer for Giu-
liani in the pursuit of a disin-
formation campaign that
included the idea that it was
Ukraine, not Russia, that
interfered in the 2016 U.S.
presidential election. Par-
nas is one of two Giuliani
associates arrested this
month on charges stem-
ming from alleged efforts to
funnel foreign money into
U.S. elections. Parnas acted
as a translator for Firtash’s
team of American lawyers.

Igor Fruman
Born in Soviet Belarus,
Fruman is a Florida-based
businessman who was
arrested along with Parnas
on charges he invested
foreign money in U.S. politi-
cal campaigns. He is an
associate of Giuliani and
worked with Parnas to try to
broker deals that included a
proposal to bring American
government officials to
Zelensky’s inauguration for

Ihor Kolomoisky
Ukrainian billionaire
who made his fortune in
banking, metals, oil and
mass media. Kolomoisky’s
television channel aired the
popular sitcom starring
Zelensky before he entered
politics early last year. Kolo-
moisky’s close business ties
to Zelensky have raised
alarms for some Western
governments, who fear the
new president’s independ-
ence may be compromised
by the oligarch. So far, there
is no evidence that is true.
Kolomoisky said in an inter-
view with the Ukrainian
Truth news website in May
that Giuliani was trying to
push a conspiracy against
Joe Biden that would em-
broil Ukraine in a U.S. politi-
cal scandal. Kolomoisky’s
comments came after he

said Giuliani’s associates,
Parnas and Fruman, “de-
manded” he set up a meet-
ing between Giuliani and
Zelensky. Kolomoisky said
he threw the men out of his

Andriy Bohdan
Zelensky’s chief of staff.
Bohdan has close ties to
Kolomoisky, for whom he
was a personal lawyer.

Mykola Zlochevsky
Ukrainian businessman
and former government
minister behind the Ukrain-
ian gas company Burisma.
Hunter Biden served on
Burisma’s board of direc-
tors, which has been at the
heart of Trump’s allegation
of corruption. Zlochevsky
and Burisma have been the
subjects of various corrup-
tion investigations, but no
formal charges have been
brought. There is no evi-
dence that any investiga-
tions into Hunter Biden’s
affiliation with Burisma or
Zlochevsky have been
opened in Ukraine.

Sergei Leshchenko
Former lawmaker and
investigative journalist. In
2016, Leshchenko revealed
the existence of payments
made to Manafort by a
pro-Russia political party in
Ukraine. Manafort was later
convicted of charges related
to money laundering in part
because of the work he did
in Ukraine. Giuliani accused
Leshchenko of trying to
undermine Trump by col-
luding with the Democrats
in the 2016 U.S. presidential
election, calling the young
lawmaker an “enemy of the
president of the United
States.” Leshchenko was in
consideration for a top
position in the Ukrainian
president’s new adminis-
tration at the time but
subsequently dropped his
application to avoid jeop-
ardizing relations with the
White House.

Ayres is a special


The key players in Ukraine

A look at who’s who in the U.S. impeachment investigation of Trump

By Sabra Ayres

LEV PARNAS leaves court in New York. He is one of two associates of Trump
aide Rudolph Giuliani arrested on suspicion of violating campaign finance laws.

Timothy A. ClaryAFP/Getty Images

Security forces use tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters in Baghdad, where two rockets were
fired into the fortified Green Zone, killing an Iraqi soldier. The soldier was manning a checkpoint near a
restaurant when one of the rockets hit, landing more than 100 yards from the U.S. Embassy, security offi-
cials said. The Green Zone is home to several Western embassies and Iraqi government offices. Iraq has
been engulfed by deadly anti-government protests that have picked up momentum in recent days. The
country’s human rights commission said 100 people have been killed and more than 5,000 injured since
Friday, when protests over deteriorating living conditions, unemployment and corruption resumed after a
three-week hiatus. Nearly 250 people have been killed this month as security forces crack down on the
protests. Muqtada Sadr, an influential Shiite Muslim cleric, has called on the government to resign.


Hadi MizbanAssociated Press


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