This fall’s biggest games
Can you feeL iT? The TemperaTure is dropping, The wind is
picking up, and the pumpkin- spice lattes are flowing. Fall is here, and
with it inevitably come the year’s biggest video games. Here are the
titles we’re most excited about—and the games we think we’ll be
talking about well into 2020. —maTThew gauLT
Pokémon Sword and Shield
mark a major milestone
for the beloved franchise,
representing the first time
the mainline games have
gone from Nintendo’s
handhelds to its console.
They will have new creatures
to catch, a new world to
explore and much more.
Nov. 15
What happens when you
give video-game auteur
Hideo Kojima, best known
for the Metal Gear series,
freedom to do anything?
Death Stranding, a surreal
game about a man
traveling across America
with a baby strapped to
his chest that he uses to
move between life and
death. Nov. 8
(PS4/Xbox One/ PC/
In a far-flung future,
humanity has colonized the
stars—driven not by a need
to explore but by a quest for
profit. Players wake from
cryosleep on the edges of
colonized space, then fight
to survive and investigate
the megacorporations
that hold sway.
Oct. 25
with a sense that they have “cleaned
up the whole global war on terror,”
says Minkoff. Rather, the point is to
say something meaningful about the
complexities of modern war. “No vil-
lain sees themselves as the bad guy,”
says Taylor Kurosaki, studio narrative
director at Infinity Ward.
How Call of Duty players respond
to this year’s incarnation of the series,
with its ambitious, decidedly more
adult approach to its subject matter,
could show a path forward for this
lucrative business as it comes under
the cultural microscope once again.
The game has figured prominently in
debates about the connection, or lack
thereof, between video games and real-
world shootings. A game this realistic,
gruesome and psychologically chal-
lenging might reinforce criticism of
violent games. But by tackling these
themes head-on, Modern Warfare
might be doing more to illuminate the
true horror of terrorism and gun vio-
lence than to glorify it. •
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