M30 BARRON’S October 21, 2019
DowJones30Industrial(divisor: 0.14744568353097)
Daily Oct14 15 16 17 18
Open(t) 26762.60 26902.86 26985.12 27052.61 26998.55
Open(a) 26766.43 26811.20 26972.31 27032.38 27004.49
10:00 26823.03 26925.19 26972.50 27088.26 27008.13
10:30 26814.29 27022.83 27007.91 27098.67 26964.78
11:00 26871.09 27108.28 27014.63 27017.65 26942.02
11:30 26831.17 27073.42 27020.68 27039.45 26953.06
12:00 26846.64 27050.53 27036.29 27003.26 26893.06
12:30 26826.98 27030.16 27026.68 26991.47 26810.47
1:00 26832.54 27065.14 27005.94 27026.56 26840.19
1:30 26817.13 27048.63 26998.08 27023.55 26850.47
2:00 26840.23 27070.26 26997.01 27041.43 26875.88
2:30 26837.52 27087.53 27022.89 27048.54 26857.37
3:00 26808.77 27065.40 27029.88 27071.54 26846.66
3:30 26803.20 27070.24 27006.71 27063.64 26832.88
Close 26787.36 27024.80 27001.98 27025.88 26770.20
High (t) 26971.32 27232.20 27178.48 27252.58 27170.89
Low(t) 26654.60 26751.95 26836.15 26850.13 26616.28
High(a) 26874.33 27120.11 27058.34 27112.16 27018.25
Low(a) 26749.18 26811.20 26943.29 26970.29 26770.13
Change –29.23 +237.44 –22.82 +23.90 –255.68
Theoretical(t): High27252.58Low 26616.28
Actual(a): High27120.11Low 26749.18
DowJones20Transport(divisor: 0.16403210025069)
Open(t) 10248.06 10270.12 10391.75 10479.60 10511.60
Open(a) 10247.57 10262.67 10392.90 10474.47 10510.56
10:00 10240.43 10285.91 10422.57 10516.61 10539.76
10:30 10207.26 10343.77 10460.75 10546.87 10523.43
11:00 10243.19 10402.26 10465.51 10503.19 10534.58
11:30 10237.39 10397.45 10444.06 10510.38 10524.85
12:00 10246.20 10381.74 10470.04 10518.06 10493.07
12:30 10240.84 10384.78 10481.27 10515.84 10471.84
1:00 10238.78 10406.29 10463.03 10514.77 10487.04
1:30 10248.97 10402.63 10429.08 10511.56 10494.77
2:00 10257.53 10410.01 10427.75 10522.94 10522.48
2:30 10269.06 10417.85 10431.20 10521.39 10515.62
3:00 10254.46 10402.32 10448.54 10521.17 10507.88
3:30 10263.00 10419.00 10435.24 10507.39 10499.47
Close 10256.10 10386.29 10432.81 10496.18 10508.74
High (t) 10308.13 10452.86 10534.46 10587.17 10609.45
Low(t) 10168.25 10222.51 10331.94 10401.59 10422.96
High(a) 10272.38 10426.01 10486.48 10564.79 10541.53
Low(a) 10199.06 10248.60 10383.79 10434.18 10467.87
Change –35.88 +130.19 +46.52 +63.37 +12.56
Theoretical(t): High10609.45Low 10168.25
Actual(a): High10564.79Low 10199.06
DowJones15Utilities(divisor: 1.41366797515660)
Open(t) 868.39 860.67 856.08 858.03 861.62
Open(a) 867.96 860.47 856.43 858.56 862.48
10:00 866.05 861.61 856.70 860.84 859.55
10:30 865.55 859.26 856.36 859.68 861.22
11:00 864.81 858.88 857.23 859.78 860.60
11:30 862.81 859.29 856.89 859.32 862.80
12:00 860.37 859.20 856.11 859.84 863.43
12:30 858.66 858.59 856.76 861.36 862.61
1:00 857.54 857.92 858.49 863.55 862.77
1:30 858.53 856.36 857.79 862.14 864.37
2:00 860.21 855.52 857.22 862.27 865.23
2:30 860.84 858.41 857.17 862.84 866.33
3:00 860.39 858.24 858.03 863.52 866.73
3:30 861.06 859.29 857.47 864.10 866.52
Close 859.80 857.10 859.40 862.34 866.01
High (t) 869.70 863.80 861.76 865.11 868.24
Low(t) 856.45 854.19 850.79 856.31 858.06
High(a) 868.26 862.66 859.83 864.31 867.62
Low(a) 856.89 854.95 852.54 857.54 859.07
Change –6.86 –2.70 +2.30 +2.94 +3.67
Theoretical(t): High869.70Low 850.79
Actual(a): High868.26Low 852.54
DowJones65Composite(divisor: 0.77120363512034)
Open(t) 8888.26 8905.61 8938.79 8973.96 8977.02
Open(a) 8888.10 8886.14 8937.24 8969.98 8979.50
10:00 8893.92 8914.96 8944.39 8993.80 8980.81
10:30 8884.25 8941.64 8958.34 9000.10 8972.34
11:00 8901.37 8969.72 8962.23 8975.49 8969.22
11:30 8888.86 8962.78 8958.22 8980.36 8973.29
12:00 8889.23 8954.88 8965.29 8976.03 8956.22
12:30 8881.20 8950.53 8967.03 8976.08 8934.41
1:00 8879.76 8960.56 8962.35 8986.55 8943.61
1:30 8880.80 8953.76 8952.36 8982.74 8950.16
2:00 8890.12 8957.94 8950.81 8988.81 8962.49
2:30 8893.21 8968.19 8956.40 8990.88 8959.50
3:00 8883.79 8960.35 8963.00 8996.48 8956.54
3:30 8885.75 8966.74 8954.73 8993.11 8951.73
Close 8878.96 8947.09 8956.83 8980.27 8940.80
High (t) 8943.33 9013.19 9016.54 9048.06 9042.92
Low(t) 8828.75 8854.76 8887.90 8915.50 8878.55
High(a) 8905.48 8975.18 8971.32 9004.50 8982.70
Low(a) 8873.25 8886.14 8930.98 8966.52 8931.55
Change –25.79 +68.13 +9.74 +23.44 –39.47
Theoretical(t): High9048.06Low 8828.75
Actual(a): High9004.50Low 8873.25
Daily Oct14 15 16 17 18
NY Up 248,264 528,199 347,189 461,098 429,675
NY Off 374,247 181,635 381,205 240,888 417,371
NY Up - Composite 969,163 2,383,202 1,449,321 1,994,539 1,553,735
NY Off - Composite1,590,627 815,960 1,680,456 979,827 1,700,629
NYSE Amer UP 6,221 2,896 3,788 7,653 3,831
NYSE Amer Off 2,782 7,146 3,762 3,205 4,905
NASD Up 583,384 1,338,982 974,203 1,196,481 739,706
NASD Off 835,893 457,395 885,280 648,342 1,267,209
NYSE Arca UP 57,646 145,595 120,200 163,056 73,764
NYSE Arca Off 92,546 93,318 86,172 36,213 122,719
% (QCHA) –.20 +.47 –.04 +.47 –.20
% (QACH) +.39 –.08 +.32 +.57 +.40
% (QCHAQ) –.01 +1.27 +.36 +.55 –.30
WeeklyComp. NYSE NYSEAmer Nasdaq NYSEArca
Total Issues 3,095 298 3,414 1,616
Advances 1,898 152 2,082 1,187
Declines 1,139 135 1,269 420
Unchanged 58 11 63 9
New Highs 303 7 197 109
New Lows 101 19 230 33
Daily Oct14 15 16 17 18
Issues Traded 3,015 3,023 3,042 3,031 3,019
Advances 1,314 1,892 1,530 1,929 1,417
Declines 1,596 1,050 1,389 987 1,493
Unchanged 105 81 123 115 109
New Highs 74 102 112 155 128
New Lows 47 21 35 33 35
Blocks - primary 4,032 5,236 4,933 4,891 5,439
Total (000) - primary 631,483 733,486 752,883 726,058 861,608
Total (000) 2,593,332 3,325,598 3,233,694 3,122,561 3,302,295
Daily Oct14 15 16 17 18
Issues Traded 272 284 286 278 279
Advances 128 131 134 154 135
Declines 133 142 141 117 131
Unchanged 11 11 11 7 13
New Highs 1 1 1 2 3
New Lows 5 5 9 7 5
Blocks - primary 85 116 86 90 101
Total (000) - primary 9,058 10,626 7,858 11,191 9,879
Total (000) 74,768 80,791 66,360 103,011 77,233
Daily Oct14 15 16 17 18
Issues Traded 3,225 3,243 3,240 3,226 3,224
Advances 1,208 2,262 1,613 2,037 1,284
Declines 1,900 881 1,502 1,073 1,813
Unchanged 117 100 125 116 127
New Highs 35 68 39 78 73
New Lows 116 72 59 64 58
Blocks - primary 6,361 7,926 8,878 8,671 9,119
Total (000) 1,431,193 1,820,355 1,884,883 1,864,956 2,031,219
Daily Oct14 15 16 17 18
Issues Traded 1,613 1,614 1,611 1,609 1,612
Advances 467 1,185 770 1,243 729
Declines 1,118 411 804 346 845
Unchanged 28 18 37 20 38
New Highs 10 57 36 63 41
New Lows 9 17 3 11 11
Blocks - primary 770 1,324 1,146 1,058 1,086
Total (000) - primary 151,250 239,437 209,216 199,650 197,355
Total (000) 709,088 1,074,853 960,545 936,126 926,676
Market Laboratory
Daily 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/17 10/18
NYSEAmerComp2426.48 2429.94 2424.78 2437.15 2440.30
AmMajorMkt 2698.49 2710.69 2710.44 2701.35 2656.00
BNYADRIdx 137.55 138.97 139.12 139.60 138.92
Europe 127.13 128.38 128.43 129.29 129.14
Latin Am 223.27 222.55 224.21 223.22 224.00
Asia 163.49 165.80 165.95 165.79 163.67
Emerg M 295.77 298.68 299.77 299.55 295.79
DJUSTSMFloat30314.4230615.45 30544.95 30655.15 30532.11
NasdaqCmp 8048.65 8148.71 8124.18 8156.85 8089.54
100Index 7842.33 7942.85 7920.21 7942.14 7868.49
Indus. 6379.87 6442.00 6450.22 6489.23 6423.31
Insur. 10057.5710092.89 10087.25 10130.74 10185.18
Banks 3576.27 3622.78 3616.73 3630.09 3653.95
Computer 5129.47 5202.26 5164.36 5169.90 5114.05
Telecom 374.72 378.14 380.33 383.42 382.00
NYSEComp.-z 12896.2213006.04 12994.89 13039.23 13006.64
Financial-z 8074.16 8165.74 8160.24 8178.09 8192.23
Health Care-z 15865.3716142.67 16125.65 16255.11 16176.82
Energy-z 9356.21 9375.52 9300.91 9335.03 9290.72
Russell1000 1638.60 1654.55 1650.31 1655.37 1648.69
2000 1505.43 1523.30 1525.06 1541.84 1535.48
3000 1735.82 1752.96 1748.90 1755.15 1748.07
Value-v 1247.10 1257.52 1255.86 1259.64 1258.73
Growth-v 1614.38 1632.22 1626.12 1631.17 1619.46
MidCap 2215.31 2232.17 2225.86 2235.70 2232.70
S&P100Index 1314.56 1328.43 1326.73 1329.82 1321.61
500 2966.15 2995.68 2989.69 2997.95 2986.20
Ind. 3998.37 4039.40 4030.29 4041.67 4018.24
MidCap 1909.03 1924.31 1922.40 1938.65 1936.76
SmallCap 932.17 942.32 945.05 955.41 950.37
ValueLine(A) 6087.55 6146.23 6144.37 6189.32 6164.70
ValueLine(G) 511.43 516.28 516.04 519.75 517.59
DJUSSmallTSM10239.0110351.70 10355.87 10455.48 10418.52
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
3M 5.00
American Express 0.36
Apple 0.20
Boeing -30.92
Caterpillar 2.31
Chevron -1.41
Cisco Systems 0.15
Coca-Cola 1.48
Disney 0.87
Dow 0.83
ExxonMobil -1.37
Goldman Sachs 1.84
Home Depot 3.27
IBM -8.67
Intel -0.73
Johnson & Johnson -3.63
JPMorgan Chase 4.42
McDonald's -0.52
Merck 0.34
Microsoft -2.27
Nike Cl B 2.22
Pfizer 0.35
Procter & Gamble -3.62
Travelers Cos -1.24
United Technologies 0.65
UnitedHealth Group 23.27
Verizon Communications 1.12
Visa Cl A -1.35
Walgreens Boots Alliance 1.31
Walmart -1.10
Alaska Air Group 0.76
American Airlines Group 0.86
Avis Budget Group 0.45
CH Robinson Worldwide 1.31
CSX -0.38
Delta Air 0.88
Expeditors Intl of Wash -0.43
FedEx 4.37
JB Hunt Transport 5.23
JetBlue Airways 0.11
Kansas City Southern 11.75
Kirby Corp 0.74
Landstar System -0.55
Matson Inc. 1.13
Norfolk Southern 3.41
Ryder System 1.98
Southwest Airlines -0.44
Union Pacific 0.11
United Airlines 2.93
United Parcel Service B 1.33
AES 0.37
American Elec Power 1.80
American Water Works -1.28
CenterPoint Energy 0.37
Consolidated Edison -0.73
Dominion Energy 0.26
Duke Energy -0.62
Edison Intl -0.81
Exelon -2.85
FirstEnergy 0.49
NextEra Energy 2.94
NiSource -1.16
Public Service Enterprise -0.06
Sempra Energy 0.74
Southern -0.38
Note: Theoretical highs and lows are shown.