Harper\'s bazaar Rihana

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


Lena Dunham fell in love with Eloise before she was even old enough to
read—and formed an attachment so strong that, at age 17, she had the
character tattooed on her lower back. When she later met Eloise’s illustra-
tor, Hilary Knight, they became fast friends. “I am inspired by women with
power, style, and, most importantly, imagination,” says Knight, now 87.
“Lena has all those qualities in spades and nailed to the wall.” Their mutual
admiration led Dunham to produce her frst documentary for HBO, It’s
Me, Hilary, which premieres on March 23 and chronicles Knight’s life and
collaboration with Eloise’s author, Kay Thomp-
son. (The pair, as it turns out, were introduced
in the 1950s by Knight’s upstairs neighbor, D.D.
Ryan, then an editor at Bazaar.) Here, Dunham
refects on her lifelong fascination with Eloise
and the artist who brought her to life.

LENA DUNHAM: My earliest memory of
Eloise is being handed the book by my mother, who said, “This is a
classic.” I sat on a stool shaped like a crayon, staring at the pictures, cre-
ating my own words because I couldn’t yet read. My mom would read
it to me before bed. I too had an Irish nanny, like Eloise, so I obviously
thought the book was about me. Indeed, we do share some character-
istics: a potbelly, a refusal to brush our hair, and a serious authority
problem. Eloise’s most admirable quality is that she is a true and pure

eccentric, without fear or pretense. Hilary Knight is quite insistent that
Eloise will never grow up, but that doesn’t stop a girl from dreaming. I
imagine that an adult Eloise has held on to her Plaza suite despite the
changes in management and that she writes comic essays published in
the nation’s top magazines, using the proceeds to fund a pug-and-turtle
rescue. She has regular dinner salons and shops almost exclusively
at uptown charity shops. Also, she’s probably dating a woman.
I met Hilary because he found out about my Eloise tattoo (my frst!
I got it on a road trip across the Southwest with
my family when I was 17). He sent me a card
and some signed books, and I kvelled and con-
tacted him immediately. He invited me to his
house for Indian food, our shared passion, and
it became quickly apparent that this man was
as fascinating as his creations. I brought over
my friend Matt Wolf, a documentarian I admire
deeply, to meet him, and they hit it of like gangbusters. It became the
frst ofcial project of Jenni Konner and my company, A Casual Romance
Productions. We are very moved and proud to share Hilary’s story.
Of Eloise’s many wise expressions, I have to say that my favorite is
“An egg cup makes a very good hat.” It’s her way of saying you don’t have
to take fashion so freaking seriously and of reminding us that there are a
lot of diferent and creative ways to perceive one object or situation. n



The actress, author, and director discusses

her new documentary about Hilary Knight,

the artist behind the iconic Eloise books

Eloise tattoo

“I imagine that an adult Eloise has

held on to her Plaza suite despite the

changes in management. ...

Also, she’s probably dating a woman.”



as Eloise,
with Hilary

One of

clOcKwisE frOm tOp lEft: DaniEllE lEvitt/HbO (2); Hilary KnigHt, 1969. UsED by pErmissiOn Of simOn anD scHUstEr, inc./cOUrtEsy HbO
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