Esquire USA - 11.2019

(ff) #1

32 November 2019_Esquire photographs: Jeffrey Westbrook

the Code: Pack Smarter



The HAT you should
pack year-round

I always travel
with a beanie, even
when I’m off to some-
place balmy. Why? It’s
a lightweight solution
for instant warmth on
unpredictably cool
nights, and it’s an easy
way to get cozy on a
freezing plane. A bit of
hygge in economy class.
And if the flight atten-
dants aren’t handing
out eye masks—i.e.,
you’re not in biz
class—you can just pull
it over your eyes
and catch a nap. The
key is to wear a
not-too-thick cashmere
number that’s ultra-
soft and has a balance
of warmth and
breathability. Bonus:
It hides bad
hair days. —K.S.

  • • • I used to be
    packing-cube averse.

Kondo-ing but with no

at a time in the run-up to a
trip makes packing less
daunting, as does having
things prepacked for
a quick grab-and-go
situation. It brings order to
the chaos that is travel. So
maybe they do have divine
benefits. Namaste. —N. S.



Don’t scramble to gather all your
chargers before a trip. Have a second
set and stow them in their own case. It’ll
save you from unpacking your carry-on
just to find that iPhone cord, too.
Electronics organizer ($45) by Away.

Forget packing your medicine cabinet
for each journey. Doubling up on your
products and making a home for them is
the only sane way to maintain
your grooming routine on the road.
Dopp kit ($1,050) by Asprey.

No more overpacking: If it fits in the
cubes, it’ll fit in the luggage. These make
unpacking at the hotel super quick and
keep family vacations organized—every-
one gets their own set of cubes.
Packing cubes ($45 for set of four) by Away.

Beanie ($200) by Begg &
Co.; pillow ($350) and
throw blanket ($1,500) by
Frette; sweater
($535) by Drake’s;
($399) by Bose.
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