Foreign affairs 2019 09-10

(ff) #1

Richard A. Clarke and Rob Knake

192 μ¢œ¤ž³£ ¬μ쬞œ˜

it will become clear that the technological utopianism o‘ an earlier era
is misplaced in today’s world.
Western technology companies would likely resist the creation o‘
an Internet Freedom League, since they have worked to appease
China and gain access to the Chinese market, and because their sup-
ply chains depend on Chinese manufacturers. However, the costs to
such ¿rms would be partly oset by the fact that by cutting o China,
the league would eectively protect them from Chinese competition.
An Internet Freedom League modeled on the Schengen area is the
only way to secure Internet freedom from the threats posed by au-
thoritarian states and other bad actors. Such a system would admit-
tedly be less global than today’s more freewheeling Internet. But
only by raising the costs o‘ malicious behavior can the United States
and its friends hope to reduce the scourge o‘ cybercrime and limit
the damage that regimes such as those in Beijing and Moscow can do
to the Internet.∂
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