Foreign affairs 2019 09-10

(ff) #1

Diplomatische Akademie Wien
Vienna School of International Studies............. 17
Welcoming Challenges to Settled Conceptions
Scott Patterson

Duke Sanford School of Public Policy.............. 18
Mastering Analysis and Public Engagement
Sarah Bermeo

Princeton University
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
International A airs............................. 19
In the Nation’s Service and the Service
of Humanity
Cecilia Elena Rouse

Syracuse University
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public A airs.... 20
Develop Real-World Adaptable Skills for Improving
Communities Around the World
Roza Vasileva

Texas A&M University
The Bush School of Government and
Public Service................................... 21
Meeting the Challenges of Emerging Sources of
Power and InŽ uence
James Olson

American University
School of International Service.................... 22
Preparing for an Ever-Changing World
Christine B.N. Chin

UC San Diego
School of Global Policy and Strategy............... 23
International Diplomacy: Advancing Worldwide
Peace and Prosperity at UC San Diego
Renee Bowen

Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International Studies.......... 24
Preparing Leaders for an Era of Change
Eliot A. Cohen

University at Albany
Rockefeller College of Public A airs & Policy....... 25
Rockefeller College at UAlbany:
Preparing Students for a Rapidly-Changing World
Brian Greenhill

University of Kent
Brussels School of International Studies........... 26
Advancing International Studies in the Capital
of Europe with World-Leading Academics and
Experienced Practitioners
Amanda Klekowski Von Koppenfels

Georgetown University
Walsh School of Foreign Service................... 27
Looking to the Future
Joel S. Hellman

The University of Texas at Austin
LBJ School of Public A airs....................... 28
LBJ School Forges Leaders in the Global A rena
Kate Weaver


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