Classic Gaming - #1

(Frankie) #1
Gilbert hated the way adventure games discouraged
experimentation by killing you, so coming a cropper
in Monkey Island is almost impossible, except for one
scene where our hero (true to his boast) has ten
minutes to free himself from the idol anchoring him to
the seabed. The solution is simpler that it seems.



uybrush Threepwood wants
to be a mighty pirate, but
there’s a problem: the weedy
twerp could barely pirate a
CD, let alone survive in the cut and
thrust world of buccaneering. With
the pirate captains unimpressed by
his ability to hold his breath for ten
minutes, Thriftweed (“Threepwood!”)
sets off to fulfil three trials in order to
prove that he’s made of rummer stuff
than his hapless appearance suggests.
You’ll never read an article about
the funniest videogames of all-time
that doesn’t mention Monkey Island.
Lucasfilm’s all-star writing team, led by
Ron Gilbert and a young Tim Schafer,
delivered a swashbuckling comedy epic
that felt more like an interactive comic
book than it did a videogame.
Smooth-talking salesman Stan and
his sinking ships. The mythical (or IS it?)
three-headed monkey. A rubber chicken
with a pulley in the middle. We could
fill this entire book with unforgettable
characters and in-jokes. But it was
often the throwaway one-liners
from the scurvy supporting cast that
compelled players to continue clicking
round the next corner.

Developer Lucasfilm Games
Publisher Lucasfilm Games

Genre Point and click adventure

Released 1990


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