The EconomistOctober 26th 2019 The Americas 31
For governments eager to reduce it, go-
ing easy on gangs, as amlowas doing be-
fore the shootout, can seem the easiest tac-
tic. In El Salvador the government secretly
brokered a truce between gangs in 2012 that
halved the murder rate. Even as the govern-
ment of Mr Calderón waged a war on organ-
ised crime, it disproportionately locked up
the rivals of the Sinaloa gang, raising suspi-
cions that it was merely seeking to give Mr
Guzmán senior a peaceful monopoly. The
strategy of presidents before amloof re-
moving kingpins caused infighting, as
would-be heirs killed each other to seize
vacant thrones. Splintering gangs found
new lines of work, such as fuel theft, and
spread across the country.
amlomay be betting on an implicit deal
in which the state and the crime groups
treat each other gently, buying time for
poverty-eradication to work its pacifying
magic. On that theory, the Culiacán opera-
tion was a departure from his strategy rath-
er than an expression of it. But pacts can go
wrong. When the truce in El Salvador fell
apart, the murder rate rose to a higher level
than it had been before.
The worry is that the debacle in Culia-
cán signals to gangs that if they threaten
enough bloodshed the state will bend to
their will. amlohas given them the incen-
tive to be more violent and unreasonable
when threatened, not less.
Even if the murder rate falls because the
government attacks gangs less aggressive-
ly, there is little reason to expect success
from amlo’s plan to undermine their pow-
er. Mexico’s spending on security is far be-
low that of other Latin American countries
as a share of gdp. The president’s silver bul-
let against recruitment—rapid economic
growth—is proving tricky to discharge. His
Bello Days and nights of rage
ith sixlines, modern trains and 136
stations, the Santiago metro is in
many ways a model public service in a
region where such things are lacking. It
carries 2.7m passengers a day in a city of
7m, and has persuaded part of the middle
class to leave their cars at home. But in a
paroxysm of rage that began on October
18th protesters set fire to stations and
trains, leaving only one line operating.
This arson was part of a collective ner-
vous breakdown in Chile, ranging from
peaceful protests demanding a fairer and
less unequal society, to nightly looting of
supermarkets and feral criminality, with
marauding delinquents robbing homes.
Sebastián Piñera, the centre-right presi-
dent, declared a state of emergency and
curfew and sent the army onto the streets
for the first time since General Augusto
Pinochet’s dictatorship. At least 18 people
died, most of them looters.
These events have shaken what was
Latin America’s most stable and success-
ful country. They come as the region is
convulsed by turmoil. Rioting forced
Ecuador’s government to reinstate fuel
subsidies. Peru’s president has dissolved
the country’s congress. Protests hit Boliv-
ia, where the president may be trying to
steal an election. Populists are in power
in Brazil and Mexico and will be soon,
perhaps, in Argentina.
The details vary. But there are some
common threads. They include the sense
of frustrated expectation among the
region’s middle classes. Six years of
economic stagnation have made Latin
America’s deep inequalities less toler-
able. Corruption scandals have discredit-
ed politics and politicians. Weak politi-
cal parties no longer channel
discontents. There is a copycat element:
arsonists have smart phones, and watch
events in Barcelona, Paris or Quito.
The immediate trigger in Chile was a
modest 3.7% rise in the metro’s peak-hour
fares, but discontent has been growing
there for more than a decade. Since 1989
the country’s restored democracy has
maintained the broad outline of the free-
market policies installed by Pinochet’s
dictatorship. Those policies have brought
economic success. The poverty rate has
fallen from over 40% in 1990 to under 10%
today. The middle classes now form a
majority. Income inequality is below the
Latin American average. Still, many Chil-
eans struggle to make ends meet.
Polls show that many Chileans think
the country’s democracy is rigged in favour
of a small elite, and they have a point.
Economic and political power is concen-
trated. Some years ago your columnist
attended a drinks party of about 60 people
in Santiago. A friend whispered in his ear:
“You realise that half of Chile’s gdpis in
this room.”
The rich pay less tax as a share of in-
come in Chile than in other countries in
the oecd, a club of mainly developed
economies. Most Chileans worry about
“low pensions, lack of access to decent
housing, health care and medicine, and
of again falling into the poverty from
which they escaped”, the rector of the
Catholic University, whose economists
dreamed up the Chilean “model”, wrote
this week.
Mr Piñera, a billionaire who was
president from 2010 to 2014, is part of
that elite. He was re-elected in 2017 be-
cause in his first term the economy
(helped by high copper prices) grew
faster than under his successor, Michelle
Bachelet, a Socialist. “Better times are
coming,” he promised. Voters are still
waiting, partly because Chile’s open
economy is harmed by President Donald
Trump’s trade war with China. Though
lacking in spontaneous empathy, Mr
Piñera was trying to inject a little more
fairness into Chile’s system, as Ms Bache-
let did. He promised a bigger public
top-up for a private pension system that
offers an average benefit of just $340 a
But the improvements have been slow
to come. Take the health system. Much
care is provided by private insurers. A
middle-class woman pays around $300 a
month (and extra for medicines and
operations). Insurers refuse to cover
pre-existing conditions, making it hard
to switch providers. Many pensioners
cannot afford the premium, just when
they need care most.
Mr Piñera seems to have got the mes-
sage. After cross-party talks, he an-
nounced an immediate boost to pen-
sions and health-care coverage by the
state. Left-wing opponents have been
rejoicing at his travails. But that may be
premature. The Chilean model can be
improved with more social provision
and a crackdown on oligopolies. It does
not need reinvention.
Chile’s model needs fixing, not overturning