The Economist USA - 26.10.2019

(Brent) #1

34 Asia The EconomistOctober 26th 2019



ment in the ocean, clouding waters and
blocking needed light. Mavic Matillano,
who works in the Philippines for wwf, a
conservation group, worries particularly
about how reefs are being affected by road-
widening and other construction on Pala-
wan. Run-off from fertilisers and untreat-
ed sewage are other nasty problems with
which corals must contend.
At the same time, the world’s oceans are
warming. They have absorbed more than
90% of the extra heat produced by humans
in recent decades. Between 1985 and 2006
the waters of the Coral Triangle warmed at a
rate of 0.2oC per decade. That might not
sound like much, but as a rule of thumb
reefs bleach when the temperature of the
surrounding waters rises 1oC above the his-
torical norm for four or more weeks, turn-
ing colourful corals into ghostly forests.
The most recent global spate of bleach-
ing, in 2014-17, affected perhaps 70% of cor-
al reefs, according to America’s National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
It was particularly severe because it coin-
cided in part with El Niño, a periodic cli-
mate pattern that warms equatorial waters
in the Pacific every few years. Even reefs
that had not experienced any recent exten-
sive bleaching, such as the northernmost
areas of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, suf-
fered badly. Severe bleaching is now occur-
ring too frequently for reefs to recover
fully. “We don’t know how well the biology
can continue to be culled and then bounce
back,” explains Gregory Asner of Arizona
State University. By the middle of the cen-
tury bleaching may occur every year.
Climate change threatens reefs in other
ways, too. The oceans have absorbed about
30% of the increased flows of carbon diox-
ide into the atmosphere, becoming less al-
kaline as they do so. This sets in motion
chemical reactions that make it harder for
the corals to build their exoskeletons. More
intense tropical storms, meanwhile, could
see reefs more frequently smashed; rising
sea levels could see them drowned.
Scientists, politicians and activists are
trying to tackle both the short-term and

long-term threats which corals face. The
thinking is that the local environment
makes a difference: corals that face fewer
local threats may have a better shot at sur-
viving larger changes to their environ-
ment. It helps that the number of marine
protected areas (mpas) around the world is
on the rise. Research suggests that coral
cover increases in older, well-enforced
mpas in isolated areas. mpas now encom-
pass 8% of the ocean, up from less than 1%
two decades ago.
Much of the increase is a result of Amer-
ica, France and Britain safeguarding areas
around their overseas territories. Coun-
tries such as the Cook Islands in the South
Pacific Ocean have protected their entire
national waters. The Coral Triangle Initia-
tive, an alliance of the six countries in the
area, has also promoted mpas. Yet only a
tiny share of its members’ waters is shield-
ed. The cost and complexity of patrolling
mpas remain a huge challenge.
In the Philippines a change to the law
more than two decades ago transferred
control of coastal waters up to 15km off-
shore to municipal governments. It gives
local communities a greater say in how to
manage marine resources. Ms Matillano
says that talking to mayors and other local
officials about the business case for pro-
tecting reefs works well, as does including
locals in the teams which enforce such pro-
tection. She adds that some 155 mpas exist
off Palawan, though not all are effective.
Wilfredo Licuanan of De La Salle University
in Manila, who studies Palawan’s reefs,
also estimates that only a tiny fraction of
coastal towns hire a marine biologist for
guidance. He gives talks in shopping malls
and at public events to educate Filipinos
about the plight of their corals.
Meanwhile scientists are racing to dis-
cover why some types of coral have recov-
ered from recent bleaching events better
than others. The answers may involve ad-
aptation (genetic processes) as well as ac-
climatisation (non-genetic ones). The in-
tricate work requires data that can be
difficult to obtain from areas which lack

adequate monitoring. There are big know-
ledge gaps when it comes to the Coral Tri-
angle, for example.
Teams in America are looking into se-
lectively breeding and conditioning corals,
and expensive coral “gardening” occurs in
places that can afford it. This involves
transplanting corals to reefs in need, often
by placing them on man-made underwater
structures on which they can grow. In one
area near Taytay, corals cling to sturdy met-
al frames, and a garden for giant clams has
been established.
Another way forward could be to identi-
fy the most resilient sorts of coral in spots
that are most sheltered from changing
ocean temperatures and other human
harm. That could allow more careful tar-
geting of resources. Work published last
year in Conservation Letters by a team led by
Hawthorne Beyer of the University of
Queensland finds that reefs in parts of the
Philippines and Indonesia and off eastern
Australia, among other places, may face a
less severe threat than those in Hawaii and
off western Australia. That is a small spot of
good news for Black Rock Reef. 7

Coral Triangle

Ta y t a y
Coral reefs


ngratitude, misbehaviourand disloy-
alty. These were among the failings of Si-
neenat Wongvajirapakdi detailed in a royal
statement on October 21st. Apparently the
mistress of King Maha Vajiralongkorn
wanted to “elevate herself to the same state
as the queen”. The former army nurse also
dared to issue commands and show dis-
obedience to her superiors. She has been
stripped of all titles and honours.
At one level, Ms Sineenat’s sudden fall
from grace is stunning. It was only on the
king’s birthday in July that he made her
Thailand’s first officially designated royal
mistress in almost a century. At another
level, it is typical: the king has frequent,
dramatic romantic bust-ups, with dire
consequences for the women concerned.
The designation of an official “royal no-
ble consort” shocked Thailand. The elabo-
rate ceremony saw Ms Sineenat prostrate
herself before the king and Queen Suthida
Tidjai, a former flight-attendant whom he
married in May. The silk and jewels on dis-
play were a far cry from the crop tops and
fake tattoos that king and consort have
been snapped wearing before. More official
photographs of Ms Sineenat in camouflage
and in cockpits appeared in August. The

King Vajiralongkorn quickly dismisses
his official mistress

Thailand’s ruthless king

Beauty and the


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