PlayStation Magazine UK - 12.2019

(vip2019) #1


The Big


though there’s not much more
satisfying than choosing exactly
when to flick the lights off to spook
other players.
Once the zombies are placed you
can hop into them and control them
directly if the AI just isn’t cutting it.
All it takes is a few well-timed
zombie lunges to knock players
down, and then their teammates will
have to revive them, meaning
separating them can pay off. Even
the trenchcoated Tyrant Mr X puts
in an appearance as a limited-use
ultimate skill, allowing you to deal
serious damage to the Survivors.

The Mastermind might have plenty of
jokers in their maniacal deck of
cards, but that doesn’t mean the
Survivors don’t have some aces in
their own holes. January van Sant,
for instance, can hack CCTV
cameras to temporarily stop the
Mastermind from being able to
access certain viewpoints. She can
also drop an EMP that disables the
cameras in an area and increases
the cost of using cards for the
Mastermind for a period of time.
So, hacker, check. But where
would we be without other
character archetypes? Valerie
Harmon is the team’s support, and
she can heal and buff the other
Survivors. Thanks to her instincts,
she can also spot items and dangers

just by being close to them on the
map. Tyrone Henry is the tank and
can increase everyone’s defence as
well as dish out a powerful kick that
can both knock down zombies and
slam open doors. Ex-boxer Samuel
Jordan rounds out the team as an
attacker, able to deal out close-
quarters punches.
These four capable youngsters
were kidnapped by the Mastermind
after agreeing to take part in
medical trials, and now must escape
by making their way through each
map – past the Mastermind and
Resident Evil-style puzzles. Each level
has three areas they must clear
before escaping, making each one
a real test of co-op co-ordination.
Dying Survivors can be revived, but
even if they’re too far gone they’ll
respawn (though that costs a chunk
of the time limit the group have to
make their escape, so don’t let your
team down and the clock run out).

Like Capcom’s latest games, Project
Resistance is made with the
developer’s proprietary RE Engine,

which was put to fantastic use in
the last two games in the series,
Resident Evil VII and Resident
Evil 2, and also in Devil May Cry V.
NeoBards Entertainment, which
previously worked with Capcom
on Devil May Cry HD Collection and
Onimusha: Warlords, has been
brought on board to develop the
asymmetrical multiplayer.
Project Resistance isn’t what
we expected the next step for the
franchise to be, but when has the
series ever done the expected?
While work on this game presses on,
the other teams at Capcom are
bound to be working on something in
the mainline series. In the meantime,
Project Resistance might be the
perfect Resi multiplayer experience.
The puzzling and zombie-avoiding
required of the Survivors already
feels like it perfectly fits the Resident
Evil formula we’ve come to love over
the past 20-odd years, with the
added bonus of somebody getting to
deviously mould that game around
them – bringing in the walls of the
escape rooms closer and closer with
each new zombie and trap sprung,
threatening to make each Survivor
a Jill sandwich of their own. And any
game that’s going to give us an
excuse to suit up and play as Mr X
is a welcome one indeed.





Q Your Mastermind’s skills and deck of
traps can be customised. Trick or treat?

Q Fail to revive a teammate and they’ll
respawn, but it’ll cost the Survivors time.

Will you join the Resistance? Let us
know: [email protected]

Resident Evil 2’s Tyrant, Mr X, makes an
appearance as a Mastermind ultimate
skill. But what else could crop up? Fans
have been clamouring to see Resident
Evil 3’s overpowered Nemesis get a
glow up for some time.

While the Mastermind can
see the building blocks,
for the Survivors it’s the
same old Resi tension.
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