
(Kiana) #1
With Great Demographics Comes Great Power

July/August 2019 147

ing further into the future, however, population growth and rising levels
o education may propel new countries toward great-power status.
Demographics oer a clue to the geopolitical world o the future—
and how Washington should prepare for it. To maintain the United
States’ edge, American leaders must take steps to slow or reverse the
negative demographic trends now eating away at the foundations o
U.S. power. They must also begin to rethink Washington’s global
strategy, recognizing that the future o the U.S.-led international or-
der lies with the young and growing democracies o the developing
world. With wise domestic policy and farsighted diplomacy, U.S.
leaders can ensure that their country’s still considerable human re-
sources reinforce American power long into the coming century.

For premodern empires and kingdoms, a larger population meant
more people to tax and send o to war. But thanks to modern eco-
nomic development, demographics are more important now than ever
before. Since the Industrial Revolution, technological innovations




Keep ’em coming: at a daycare center in New York City, May 2010

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