should work to revive the multilateral
trade regime’s legitimacy rather than
squelching it. The way to achieve that,
however, is not to further open markets
and tighten global rules on trade and
investment. Barriers to trade in goods
and many services are already quite low.
The task is to ensure greater popular
support for a world economy that is
open in essential respects, even i it falls
short o the hyperglobalist ideal.
Building that support will require
new international norms that expand
the space for governments to pursue
domestic objectives. For rich countries,
this will mean a system that allows
them to reconstitute their domestic
social contracts. The set o rules that
permit countries to temporarily protect
sensitive sectors from competition
badly needs reform. For example, the
allows countries to impose tempo-
rary tari s, known as antidumping
duties, on imports being sold by a
foreign company below cost that
threaten to harm a domestic industry.
The should also let governments
respond to so-called social dumping, the
practice o countries violating workers’
rights in order to keep wages low and
attract production. An anti-social-
dumping regime would permit coun-
tries to protect not merely industry
prots but labor standards, too. For
developing countries, the international
rules should accommodate governments’
need to restructure their economies to
accelerate growth. The should also
loosen the rules on subsidies, invest-
ment, and intellectual property rights
that constrain developing countries’
ability to boost particular industries.
I China and the United States are to
resolve their trade conict, they need to
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FA 31_rev.indd 1 5/20/19 10:16 AM