Foreign Affairs - 11.2019 - 12.2019

(Michael S) #1
Why do e orts to prevent election violence succeed in some cases yet fail in others?
Focusing on three case studies of countries with a history of election violence, Preventing
Election Violence through Diplomacy identifi es the key dimensions of preventive diplomacy
to prevent or reduce election violence. Drawing on personal experience, the literature, and
expert interviews and roundtables with academics and practitioners, the book highlights
conditions for the success and the failure of preventive diplomacy, o ering recommendations
to the international community for maximizing the e cacy of this unique tool.

Praise for

Preventing Election Violence Through Diplomacy

Bhojraj Pokharel’s extensive experience as a diplomat gives him unique insight into
the e cacy of preventive diplomacy. This theoretically informed and empirically rich
text shows how early, sustained, and multidimensional international action can help
stop election violence. Preventing Election Violence through Diplomacy is an important
contribution to the study and practice of confl ict prevention.
— Geo rey Macdonald, Bangladesh Country Director at the International Republican Institute

Bhojraj Pokharel is eminently qualifi ed as an experienced practitioner and researcher
to take on the critical subject of preventive diplomacy to lower election violence. His
insights are valuable, and conclusions are sound. This book should be required reading
for people working to make elections in countries at risk of violence safe and fair.
— B. Lynn Pascoe, Former Under-Secretary-General for Political A airs at the United Nations

Making Peace Possible

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