The Dream Palace of the Americans
November/December 2019 23
determine the extent o Israel’s with-
drawal. In the meantime, Israel would
retain and administer the territories.
At this point, eager to turn its attention
back to Vietnam and the home front,
the Johnson administration delegated
matters to the Swedish diplomat
Gunnar Jarring, serving as the
special representative for negotiating a
deal. Unfortunately, the talks quickly
broke down over the irreconcilable
interpretations o Resolution 242. The
United States and Israel called for
direct negotiations between the bellig-
erents over the terms o
a settlement,
while the Soviet Union and its Arab
allies insisted on an Israeli commitment
to full withdrawal as a precondition for
return for recognizing Israel within
secure boundaries and ending the violence.
After months o
talks, U.S. negotiators
convinced the Soviets to accept some-
thing close, and the result became the
famous formula enshrined in Security
Council Resolution 242, a call for the
“withdrawal o Israeli armed forces from
territories occupied in the recent conict.”
The wording was deliberately am-
biguous. The Arab states later insisted
that the sentence meant that Israel must
immediately withdraw from “all o
territories occupied, but the Americans
had taken pains to ensure that the
ocial text read only “from territories.”
The United States had demanded
language that clearly supported its policy:
bilateral negotiations between Israel and
each o
the belligerent states would
From his lips to God’s ears: Trump at the Western Wall, May 2017
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