November/December 2019
“Foreign Aairs... will tolerate wide dierences of opinion. Its articles will not represent any consensus
of beliefs. What is demanded of them is that they shall be competent and well informed, representing honest
opinions seriously held and convincingly expressed.... It does not accept responsibility for the views in any
articles, signed or unsigned, which appear in its pages. What it does accept is the responsibility for giving
them a chance to appear.”
Archibald Cary Coolidge, Founding Editor
Volume 1, Number 1 • September 1922
Obama’s Idealists 162
American Power in Theory and Practice
Peter Beinart
How a Caliphate Ends 170
On the Frontline o the Fight Against ISIS
Anne Barnard
What Is White America? 177
The Identity Politics o the Majority
Nell Irvin Painter
The Virtue of Monopoly 184
Why the Stock Market Stopped Working
Felix Salmon
The New Masters of the Universe 191
Big Tech and the Business o Surveillance
Paul Starr
Recent Books 198