New Scientist - 19.10.2019

(WallPaper) #1

56 | New Scientist | 19 October 2019

The back pages Q&A

Anu Ojha, UK’s National Space Academy director,
reveals which are the coolest moons in the solar
system, what finding alien life will mean and why
the best discussions happen with the young

As a child, what did you want
to do when you grew up?
I grew up fascinated by space science and the
world around me. As I grew older, this extended
to a desire to understand societal and human
issues, but I never really knew what I wanted to be
apart from something that let me keep learning.

Explain your work in one easy paragraph.
I direct the UK’s National Space Academy, which
helps young people navigate towards careers in
the space and wider science and engineering
sectors. I have other roles nationally and
internationally, including a lot of space science
policy and government advisory work. I do some
research: I’m a co-investigator on a new planetary
drilling technology being developed by the
University of Leicester. And most importantly,
I still have opportunities to teach.

What is the most exciting thing you
have worked on in your career?
Being invited to be principal investigator for an
International Space Station experiment
conducted by Tim Peake was a tremendous
honour and took my understanding of
human space flight operations to much
higher levels. My current work for the Science
and Technology Facilities Council and the
European Space Agency focuses on long-term
planning for UK physics research and human and
robotic exploration of the moon and Mars.

How has your field of study changed in the
time you have been working in it?
In my lifetime, we have seen distant moons
transformed into worlds of fire (Io is the most
volcanic object in the solar system), of ice (Europa,
Ganymede, Callisto) and possibly of life
(Enceladus). We also now have a far better
understanding of the impact of human
activity on our planet, the most astonishing,
diverse planet in the solar system.

If you could have a conversation with any
scientist living or dead, who would it be?
To be honest, I am more stimulated by the
real discussions I have with young researchers
and students. They are the true crucibles of
creativity and innovation of thought.

What achievement or discovery
are you most proud of?
Teaching young people really brings home to
me the fact that the 21st century is theirs, not
my generation’s. Sometimes, I think politicians
need to be reminded about this.

What scientific development do you
hope to see in your lifetime?
The discovery of microbial life elsewhere in
the solar system would be one of the greatest
achievements of science. But evidence of
intelligence elsewhere in the universe would
have a transformational impact on human
civilisation, for better or possibly worse.

Do you have an unexpected hobby, and if
so, please will you tell us about it?
I have been a freediver, scuba diver and
skydiver for more than 20 years. When jumping
out of a plane with friends, the sky transforms
into an aerial playground with a horizon over
100 kilometres away. For that magical minute of
free fall, the third dimension becomes accessible
and you gain a new and very personal perspective
on our home planet and our relationship with it.
Even after nearly 1500 jumps, I never tire of it.

What is the best thing you have read
or seen in the past 12 months?
The writings, activities and impact of advocates
like Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai
challenge my generation in ways that may
make us feel uncomfortable but which are
essential for us to take on board.

OK, one last thing: tell us something that
will blow our minds...
I think I first heard it in a speech by the
Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees: “The greatest
complexity we see in astrophysics and astronomy
pales into insignificance when compared to the
biological complexity of a simple ant.”  ❚

Anu Ojha is director of the UK National Space
Academy and a member of the UK Science and
Technology Facilities Council

“ Advocates like

Greta Thunberg

challenge my

generation in

ways that are

essential for

us to take

on board”

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