The Economist USA 10.12.2019

(Nora) #1

68 Business The EconomistOctober 12th 2019



ictims of along-running trade dispute
between Boeing and Airbus are prolif-
erating. Americans keen on a Spanish olive
before a main course dusted with Italian
Parmesan and washed down with Scotch
will have to stump up more cash. The
World Trade Organisation (wto) has given
America the go-ahead to impose $7.5bn-
worth of tariffs on a smorgasbord of Euro-
pean imports on October 18th after ruling
that Airbus had received illegal state aid in
Europe. Passenger aircraft made by Airbus
and parts that feed its factory in Alabama
will be on the menu. But efforts to tackle
anticompetitive practices in aerospace
may only strengthen the planemakers’
stubborn duopoly.
Europe will doubtless retaliate. Shortly
after Boeing brought its case against Airbus
at the wto, the European firm launched a
similar one against its American rival.
After 15 years of legal wrangling both have
been found to be roughly equally at fault.
Europe can expect to be given the opportu-
nity to levy tariffs of its own in a few
months unless a negotiated settlement,
which has proved elusive, is agreed. Eu-
rope is sure to include Boeings.
Tariffs will raise the cost of each firm’s
aircraft in the other’s market. Airlines play
one off against the other to get the best
price. In the short term orders will be hard
to switch. But industry-watchers predict
that, in the long run, America’s carriers will
plump for Boeings and Europe’s will favour
Airbuses, creating captive home markets.

It would not be the first instance of
trade-dispute mechanisms stifling compe-
tition. In 2008 Canada’s Bombardier, a
maker of regional jets, launched thec-Se-
ries, a plane that competed with some
smaller models made by Boeing and Air-
bus. Cost overruns and delays threatened
the c-Series until an order in 2016 from Del-
ta, an American airline, seemed to guaran-
tee its future. But Boeing complained to
American regulators about Canadian sub-
sidies, leading to the imposition of a vast
tariff. The levy was later struck down by an
American tribunal—but not before Bom-
bardier had handed half the struggling c-
Series programme to Airbus to keep it alive.
To keep pace with Airbus, in 2018 Boeing
sought a controlling stake in the commer-
cial-aircraft arm of Brazil’s Embraer. On Oc-
tober 4th the European Union opened an
investigation into the planned tie-up
claiming that it would “eliminate a small
but important competitive force” and ulti-
mately hamper rivals making similar
planes in China, Japan and Russia. Some
suspect that the move to clip Boeing’s
wings shortly after America imposed its
latest tariffs is not coincidental.
Another rival to Airbus and Boeing, Chi-
na’s comac, might also suffer. If Europe
and America become domestic monopo-
lies, their main battleground may switch to
Asia, where demand for air travel is soar-
ing. Airbus’s most recent annual industry
forecast for the next 20 years predicts that
Asia will account for 42% of new aircraft
sales, compared with 36% for Europe and
America combined. comac’s c919, a sup-
posed short-haul rival to Airbus’s narrow-
body a320 and Boeing’s 737, is not taken se-
riously as a threat by the pair. Boeing’s
troubles with the 737 max, grounded since
March and awaiting regulatory approval to
fly again after two fatal crashes, may not
provide comacwith much of an opening.
In part this is because the c919, first con-

ceived over a decade ago, has been serially
delayed. A recent announcement of yet an-
other hold-up means that the first custom-
er, China Eastern Airlines, may not get its
first plane until 2022. Meanwhile, Boeing
and Airbus have launched planes widely
considered better than the c919, have set up
factories in China and are sure to compete
fiercely with each other, making comac’s
life in its home market tougher.
China’s government has twisted the
arms of domestic airlines to order c919s but
it will be hard to force a less sophisticated
aircraft on Chinese carriers, which already
have big fleets of Western planes. Airbus
and Boeing are clamouring for business
with new ones built in China. Trade dis-
putes, it seems, may help keep the aero-
space duopoly aloft. 7

Trade disputes are hardening a
planemaking duopoly

Airbus and Boeing

In for the long haul

Final call for American’s Airbus


hree yearsago Muhammad bin Sal-
man, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, sug-
gested floating up to 5% of Saudi Aramco,
the world’s biggest oil company, at a valua-
tion of $2trn. At first glance now is a terri-
ble time to do so. A month ago drone at-
tacks suspended more than half the giant’s
output. On October 7th security concerns
prompted Fitch Ratings to downgrade
Aramco’s credit by a notch. To make mat-
ters worse, fears of an economic slowdown
that depresses demand for crude has
dragged the oil price down below the level
before last month’s attack.
Apparently unfazed, Aramco is forging
ahead with plans to list a portion of its
shares. Prince Muhammad and the minis-
ters overseeing the offering want this done
in short order. To that end, last month they
appointed Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the head of
Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, as
Aramco’s chairman. The press-shy com-
pany is inviting reporters to its vast com-
plex in Dhahran. When your correspon-
dent visited this week, executives touted
Aramco’s capabilities, from drilling analyt-
ics to research on fuel efficiency. More im-
portant, the company has devised new div-
idend and royalty policies, presented to
bank analysts last month. Nine banks are
soliciting feedback from potential inves-
tors. An announcement of an intention to
float may come by the end of October.
There is logic to this sprint. There have
been many reasons to delay Aramco’s ini-
tial public offering, from concerns about
the legal risks of listing abroad to uproar

The world’s biggest oil firm is raring to
go public

Saudi Aramco

Energetic listing

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