The Economist USA 10.12.2019

(Nora) #1

78 Finance & economics The EconomistOctober 12th 2019


he blockof shops, offices and apart-
ments at 60 Sloane Avenue was once a
warehouse for Harrods of London. Now it
is the focal point of the latest financial
scandal to rock the Vatican—potentially
the worst since Archbishop Paul Marcin-
kus, whose buccaneering presidency of the
Vatican Bank in the 1970s and 1980s led it to
deal with Masons and mobsters. At stake
now, as then, is not just the probity of an in-
dividual, but the trustworthiness of the
Holy See’s system of financial governance.
On October 1st the Vatican’s gendarmes,
on orders from its prosecutors, raided the
offices of the Financial Information Au-
thority (aif), the banking regulator, and
the Secretariat of State, which combines
the roles of prime minister’s office and for-
eign ministry in the Vatican administra-
tion. They were looking for “documents
and electronic devices”, the Vatican said. A
leaked circular to the Swiss Guards, who
control access to the walled city, showed
that among the five officials suspended
pending the outcome of the investigation
was the aif’s director, Tommaso Di Ruzza.
“It’s a nightmare,” says a senior Vatican
official. “It risks undoing everything we
have achieved in the past eight years.” In
2011 the Vatican agreed to inspection of its
financial sector by Moneyval, Europe’s
anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorist-
financing watchdog. It has since created an
institutional framework similar to those of
more conventional states. Dodgy accounts
have been closed at the Vatican Bank (prop-
erly known as the Institute for the Works of
Religion, or ior). On the day of the raids the
ior passed the latest milestone on its road
to respectability when it began using the
money-transfer services of the Single Euro
Payments Area.
But the ior’s employees are not the only
ones handling money in the Vatican. The
Administration of the Patrimony of the Ap-
ostolic See (apsa) acts as the sovereign-
wealth fund of the Holy See, the central ad-
ministration of the Catholic church. The
government of the Vatican City State earns
revenue from the lucrative Vatican muse-
ums. And several of the Holy See’s minis-
tries, known as dicasteries, manage pots of
money without oversight by the aif.
In 2014 Pope Francis created a Secretari-
at for the Economy to oversee all the finan-
cial activities of the Holy See and the Vati-
can City State. Its first boss, Cardinal
George Pell, who is appealing against a con-

victionforchildabusein Australia, said
that after he took over he discovered “hun-
dreds of millions of euros” that did not ap-
pear on the balance-sheet. Some in the Vat-
ican, where conspiracy theories flourish,
believe he would not be in jail had he not
tried to seize control of those funds.
Also notionally under the new body’s
remit is the Secretariat of State, which re-
portedly manages around €800m ($880m).
It controls the contributions of the faithful
to the papacy—charmingly, if modestly,
known as Peter’s Pence (St Peter being the
apostle chosen by Jesus to lead his church).
It is also said to control a pot of cash known
as the Paul VI Fund, and assets transferred
to the Vatican from the Papal State when it
was dismembered in the 19th century.
L’Espresso, a news magazine, reported
that in 2011, under Pope Benedict, the Sec-
retariat of State sank almost €200m in a
fund registered in Luxembourg. Among its
investments was a 45% stake in a London
property. A Vatican official identifies it as
the converted Harrods depository. The
building’s managers did not respond to a
request for confirmation.
A Vatican source says that the prosecu-
tors’ investigation centred on a chain of
transactions to extract the Secretariat of
State from the fund and give it full owner-
ship of the London property, once more
acting through an intermediary. According

to this account, the Secretariat sought a
loan from the iorto pay off a mortgage on
the property. But the ior refused to get in-
volved, even though the overall operation
had been remodelled at the behest of the
aif to ensure compliance. In an otherwise-
vague statement, the Vatican said the in-
vestigation was launched on the basis of
reports from the ior and the office of the
Vatican’s auditor-general, which is also the
Holy See’s anti-corruption authority.
Why these apparently routine transac-
tions raised such concerns is unclear. Oth-
er questions include why the Secretariat of
State should twice have made investments
in such a roundabout way, especially since
it could have benefited from sovereign tax
exemptions; why the Vatican Bank and the
auditor-general’s office went to the prose-
cutors instead of reporting to the aif; and
why the prosecutors felt the need to in-
volve Mr Di Ruzza since the search warrant
accuses him of nothing specific, merely
stating that the role of the aif in the affair
was unclear. Noting that the warrant was
not signed by the prosecutor hired by the
Vatican to investigate financial offences,
Andrea Gagliarducci, Vatican analyst at the
Catholic News Agency, ventures another
question: “Did the green light for the inves-
tigation come directly from the pope?”
Among all the questions one thing is
clear: the job of keeping the Vatican and its
officials out of financial mischief is far
from over. That has implications beyond
the city-state: the Vatican’s secretive cul-
ture and sovereign privileges make it ideal
for dubious transactions. Yet responsibil-
ity for overseeing its sprawling financial
sector is divided between departments
whose competences overlap and conflict.

Ecclesiastical investments
The Secretariat for the Economy was meant
to bring most of it under a single authority.
Yet it has never been incorporated into the
Vatican constitution. “It exists, yet does
not exist,” says Mr Gagliarducci. Currently,
it has only an acting head. The same is true
of the auditor-general’s office. The original
appointee, Libero Milone, resigned in 2017.
He later claimed he was threatened with ar-
rest on “prefabricated charges” if he re-
fused to go. “Evidently, they didn’t want me
to report some things I’d seen,” he said.
It is into this murky scene that the Vati-
can’s latest external hire is due to step. On
October 3rd Pope Francis named a retired
anti-Mafia prosecutor, Giuseppe Pigna-
tone, as president of the Vatican court. One
of his first trials will be that of the former
ior president, Angelo Caloia, who is ac-
cused of skimming tens of millions of eu-
ros from property deals. Mr Pignatone is
best known for his role in busting an or-
ganised-crime network in Rome. He says
that he is looking forward to a “new and ex-
traordinary experience”. 7

Raids and arrests cast doubt on the Holy See’s efforts to clean up its finances

The Vatican’s finances

Divine speculation

Holy See, unholy mess
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