The Economist USA 10.12.2019

(Nora) #1

82 Science & technology The EconomistOctober 12th 2019



world’s computers and phones. In the
1980s he was working at the Asahi Kasei
Corporation, in Japan, at a moment when
electronics companies were becoming in-
creasingly interested in lightweight batter-
ies that could power new electronic de-
vices such as video cameras and cordless
telephones. Dr Yoshino was happy with Dr
Goodenough’s cathode, but felt that the an-
ode needed redesigning.
Instead of lithium, he tried various car-
bon-based materials that might hold lithi-
um ions. He found success with petroleum
coke, a by-product of the fossil-fuel indus-
try. This, he discovered, could hold such
ions in abundance. His design was not only
safer than using a pure lithium anode (lith-
ium has a distressing tendency to catch
fire), but longer lasting, too. In Dr Yoshino’s
version of the battery, both anode and cath-
ode have a long life because they are not
damaged by chemical reactions as the bat-
tery is used or recharged. By 1991, the first
lithium-ion battery based on Dr Yoshino’s
design had been commercialised by Sony,
an electronics company.
Speaking at a press conference shortly
after being awarded the prize, Dr Yoshino
said he had pursued his research in the
1980s purely to satisfy his own curiosity,
without much thought as to whether or not
his inventions would one day be useful.
Given the lithium-ion battery’s subsequent
(and continuing) importance, Dr Yoshino’s
curiosity ended up fulfilling Nobel’s will to
the letter.

Cosmic thoughts
The physics prize was split two ways, but
both halves went for discoveries beyond
Earth. One was for a finding that is, by as-
tronomical standards, quite close by—a
planet going around a star a mere 50 light-
years distant. The other was for an over-
view of the entire universe.
In October 1995 Michel Mayor and Di-
dier Queloz, a pair of astronomers then
working at the University of Geneva, pre-
sented a paper at a scientific conference in
Florence. A few months earlier, they had

discovered a planet beyond the solar sys-
tem. It was a gaseous ball twice the size of
Jupiter and was going around a star called
51 Pegasi, at a distance of about 8m kilo-
metres—a twentieth of the distance from
Earth to the sun. As a consequence of this
proximityitorbited 51 Pegasi once every
fourterrestrial days and had a surface tem-
peratureinexcess of 1,000°C. The discov-
erywasapuzzle for astronomers. Until
thentheyhad thought that such large, Jupi-
ter-like planets could form only far away
from their host stars.
That discovery of 51 Pegasi b, as this
planet is now known, launched the field of
exoplanet astronomy. To date, astrono-
mers have found almost 4,000 other such
planets—and the wide variety of sizes, or-
bits and compositions of these objects con-
tinues to surprise researchers, who have
yet to come up with a comprehensive phys-
ical theory of how planetary systems form.
Since planets do not shine by them-
selves, astronomers needed to develop
special methods to find them. The one Dr
Mayor and Dr Queloz used relies on a phe-
nomenon called the Doppler effect. As a
planet orbits its star, that star will also
move slightly, as it is pulled around by the
gravity of the planet (see diagram 2). This
will cause the frequency of the starlight ar-
riving at Earth to oscillate (that is, the star
will change colour slightly) in the same
way that the frequency of an ambulance si-
ren shifts as the vehicle passes by. Nowa-
days a second approach, which measures
the dip in starlight as a planet passes across
its disc, is more common. But the Doppler-
shift method, as employed by Dr Mayor and
Dr Queloz, is still used as well.
The half-prize for the overview of the
universe went to James Peebles of Prince-
ton University, who has spent decades de-
veloping a theoretical framework to de-
scribe how the cosmos evolved from the
Big Bang 13.7bn years ago to the state it finds
itself in today. According to Sweden’s Royal
Academy of Science, which awards the
physics prize, Dr Peebles was the person
who, in the 1960s, shifted cosmology from
speculation to a rigorous discipline.
Until the first decades of the 20th cen-
tury, astronomers had assumed the uni-
verse to be stationary and eternal. This was
shown to be incorrect in the 1920s, with the
discovery that all galaxies are moving away
from each other. In other words, the uni-
verse is expanding. Rewind the clock and
this means that, at the start of time, now
called the Big Bang, the universe would
have been incredibly small, hot and dense.
Around 400,000 years after the Big
Bang it had expanded and cooled enough
for light to travel through space unimped-
ed. Astronomers can detect the glow of that
first light today but, because its wavelength
has been stretched by 13bn years of the ex-
pansion of space, it manifests itself not as

light but as a glow of microwave radiation
that fills the entire sky. This cosmic micro-
wave background was discovered, by acci-
dent, in 1964 by radio astronomers, who
used earlier theoretical work by Dr Peebles
to explain their discovery. Dr Peebles also
showed that tiny fluctuations in the tem-
perature of the microwave background
were crucial to understanding how matter
would later clump together to form galax-
ies and galaxy clusters.
Since the early 1990s, space-based ob-
servatories have built up increasingly pre-
cise portraits of the cosmic microwave
background and, true to Dr Peebles’s pre-
dictions, these show that temperature va-
riations of just one hundred-thousandth of
a degree map onto the observed distribu-
tion of matter and energy in the universe.
Rewarding cosmic shifts in under-
standing might seem to be a normal day’s
work for those who give out the Nobel
prizes. But Martin Rees, Britain’s Astrono-
mer Royal, sees something new in this
year’s awards in physics. The award to Dr
Peebles, he says, will be welcomed by phys-
icists as recognition of a lifetime of sus-
tained contributions and insights by an ac-
knowledged intellectual leader, rather
than a one-off achievement.
Such lifetime-achievement awards are
more usually associated with the Oscars
than the Nobels. But that is not inappropri-
ate. In many ways the Nobel prizes are a
Swedish version of the Oscars—with seri-
ousness substituted for superfice, sub-
stance for style, and genuine modesty
among the winners for the false sort.

The oxygen of publicity
Those qualities were certainly to the fore in
the award of the prize for physiology or
medicine. This shone a spotlight onto work
that, though of crucial importance in un-
derstanding how human bodies work, is—
unlike batteries, exoplanets and matters

A better battery^1

Source: NobelFoundation

Workingsofa lithium-ioncell



Lithium-permeable barrier

Lithium ions



A swiftly revolving planet









Orbit away from Earth

Star’s light shifts
to red spectrum

Star’s light shifts
to blue spectrum

Orbit towards Earth

View from Earth





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