Wireframe - #25 - 2019

(Romina) #1
Early Access

Attract Mode

12 / wfmag.cc

Early Access

Attract Mode

he name might throw you off a
bit – while Cat Lady does indeed
feature a lady who likes cats,
it’s also not some cutesy romp
through... whatever it is you might
expect it to be a romp through. Unless you
expected said romp to be of the cutesy variety
and through a twin-stick shooter/rogue-lite,
then you’d be bang on. You’d probably also be
co-founder of Rose City Games and Cat Lady
director, Will Lewis.
“Myself and our artist, Jake Fleming, started
from the idea of cute-meets-spooky exploring
a domestic household,” he explains. “We both
grew up having close relationships with our
respective grandmas, being at grandma’s house,
being a little creeped out by old estates and
antiques. We also have similar tastes in cute-
meets-weird games. Starting out with some
exploration mechanics, the concepted style
and perspective led to something that felt more
top-down combat in nature, and we went in that

direction after leaning more into games that the
team members are fans of.”
That direction took on a more rogue-lite
form as progress was made, and with the genre
comes the expectation – founded or unfounded

  • of the ‘git gud’ mentality. It might look
    adorable, but Cat Lady can challenge even the
    most hardcore of players – you know, the ones
    who actually refer to themselves as ‘hardcore’.
    All the same, difficulty has been considered from
    day one, and the team is making a big effort
    to make sure there’s something for all comers,
    even if your hand-eye coordination is on a par
    with an actual cat.
    “We want to reward players with more
    challenging situations, no matter their skill
    level,” Lewis says. “In our testing, entry areas are
    a great place to explore and learn the ropes,
    but can also feel really rewarding to blast right
    through if you’re a skilled rogue-lite player. As
    the game continues on, we want to really ramp
    up that challenge to make sure fans of the genre
    are challenged, while players who are new to the
    genre can have access to lots of upgrades that
    enable them to choose how they progress and
    how they want to approach tougher situations.”
    There have been other changes in
    development too, as you might expect, with
    earlier plans factoring in an increased sense
    of exploration, for example. But the vision was
    whittled down to a far purer, less broad form:
    the twin-stick shooter. A twin-stick shooter in
    which you take control of Ally and harness the
    magical powers of a selection of different kitties,
    in order to take down an army of ghosts which
    have invaded your grandma’s mansion, across a


Twin-stick shooter /
Rose City Games
VIZ Media
Out now (Early Access)


 Would cats be this co-operative
and helpful if they could talk?

Raiding the kitty

Feline like we should use more puns with Cat Lady

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