Wireframe - #25 - 2019

(Romina) #1
wfmag.cc \ 15


Attract Mode

  1. Timing is


Sony released details of the PlayStation 

  • haptic feedback on controllers! – on
    the same day dozens of employees in
    the London-based EU branch of the
    company were told their roles were
    either being made redundant, or that
    they would have to re-interview for
    their existing positions. The joy of the
    corporate world.
    While the timing can’t be said to be
    intentional, it does make that taste in the
    mouth extra sour, especially for those
    impacted by the reportedly unilateral
    decision made by the ever-more-
    powerful US wing of Sony Interactive
    Entertainment. As reported on Video
    Games Chronicle, the North American
    branch has increasingly consolidated
    power since Sony announced the
    beginning of layoffs in April 2018, and
    this move has hammered that home
    even more.
    05. Clean break

Bungie’s break from Activision has
seemingly energised the studio, with CEO
Pete Parsons explaining to IGN there are
some bold aims in the company’s five-
year plan. Unlike mine, which involves
‘maintaining manageable levels of debt’.
“Our vision ultimately through 2025
is to become one of the world’s best
entertainment companies,” he explained.
This involves ‘transforming’ Destiny
through the years, bringing to the fore
a vision of a single evolving world for
the franchise – but also bringing in new
franchises to the marketplace. This will
involve, Parsons said, plans to “introduce
new worlds that people care a lot about.”
Hopefully, that’ll mean new worlds –
maybe moons – with wizards on them.
We can but dream.

  1. Compulsive

A lawsuit in Canada accuses Fortnite’s
creators, Epic, of wilfully designing the
game to be addictive – going so far as to
compare the impact of the game to that
of smoking.
“Epic Games, when they created
Fortnite, for years and years, hired
psychologists – they really dug into the
human brain and really made the effort
to make it as addictive as possible,” said
Calex Légal lawyer, Alessandra Esposito
Chartrand. “They knowingly put on the
market a very, very addictive game
which was also geared toward youth.”
Well, you know it’s serious if someone
uses ‘very’ twice in a row. Doubles the
impact, you see.
How the case will be impacted
following the launch of Fortnite Chapter 2,
we’re not sure. Safe to say, a lot of eyes
were turned back to Epic’s product after
its ‘the game has gone’ stunt.

Xbox VP Mike Ybarra to leave
after 20 years with company

IO hiring for new project.
Freedom Fighters 2, plsthx




All these stories
and more
(we have more space
on the internet)
can be found over on
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