Wireframe - #25 - 2019

(Romina) #1
by co-ops. This nascent movement feels like it’s
part of a changing tide, rising in response to an
ever-greater awareness about poor conditions
in the industry, that could grow to become
something far more significant. “There is
definitely a greater awareness of this exploitative
situation among developers these days,” says
Anderson, pointing to the growing unionisation
movement in the industry as another example

“We can all bring
ideas and thoughts
to the table and
feel like we will
be heard”

studios. This isn’t controversial, that’s just how
the system operates, so it’s curious to me that
examining it causes people to get upset.”
Farren points out that worker co-ops also
offer creative benefits for their members. “We
can all bring ideas and thoughts to the table and
feel like we will be heard,” he says. “We’re able to
have discussions on an equal level that
ultimately get us to a stronger place than if we
had one person calling all the shots.”

The Glory Society and Pixel Pushers aren’t the
only video game worker co-ops out there – Dead
Cells developer Motion Twin is another example

  • but they’re both small fish in a big pond, each
    composed of only a handful of members. It’s
    possible, however, for worker co-ops to scale
    up. Cooperative Home Care Associates,
    America’s biggest worker co-op, employs
    2300 people; and a third of the GDP of the
    Emilia-Romagna region in Italy is produced

You lead a mob controlling
the character waving a
flag, but if they fall, another
worker will step into the
breech and take up the flag.

Molotov cocktails, a veritable
classic in the storied history
of civil unrest, are just one of
the many weapons you can
pick up in Tonight We Riot.

Riot police, mechs, and gigantic
bosses, all doing the will of the
evil Chet Whippleton III, will be
trying to stop your revolution.

As you progress through levels, you
will reach workplaces that can be
liberated, swelling your ranks with
new rioting workers.


A world without bosses?


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