2019-11-01 Diabetic Living Australia

(Steven Felgate) #1


It’s (almost) the most wonderful
time of the year, and with about one
quarter of Australians already suffering
a significant amount of regular stress,
the festive season only adds to it,
whether it’s the thought of family
dramas or feeling pressure to create
a ‘perfect’ celebration (BTW there’s no
such thing, so get off social media
now!). No matter your deal, here are
some ways to ward off festive stress:

  • Write a list – and check it twice.

  • Decide what food you want
    to serve on Christmas Day well in
    advance. (Hint: we’ve created the
    ideal menu on page 59.)

  • Think about what
    people are asking, and
    decide if it’s a priority,
    before commiting to plans.

  • You have every right to
    use the word ‘no’ to achieve
    a stress-free Christmas.

  • Don’t leave everything
    until the last minute...
    hello panic attack!

  • Remember to have fun. After all,
    Christmas is about spending time with
    those who mean the most to you. ➤

Do you want to learn a new skill,
start exercising and also calm the
mind, but don’t know where to
begin? Why not learn to surf? Trust
us, you’re never too old to get started!
Surfing increases your shoulder and
back strength, and decreases joint
stiffness through the rotating motion
of your arms and the pivoting of
your joints when paddling through
the water to catch a wave. Then,
by standing upright and balancing
yourself on an ever-moving object,
your flexibility, and leg and core
strength, are also increased. And, while
doing all of this, you are surrounded
by water, which has long been known
to have a calming effect on your mind,
improving your mood. If you’ve never
surfed before, or have been out of the
water for some time, find a surf school
near you to get started. Or, if surfing
doesn’t interest you, head down to
the beach to reap the benefits
of a calmer mind by simply
watching and hearing
the waves roll in – you
can thank us later!

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