2019-11-01 Diabetic Living Australia

(Steven Felgate) #1


I've had pain in my heel for
many months. I have been
resting it, but it is not getting
better. What should I do?

Danielle says: It is important
to know what is causing the
pain in your heel. One of the
most common problems is
plantar fasciitis, but there
are other reasons that should
be excluded during your
assessment with a podiatrist.
It may be recommended
that you have further
investigations, such as an
x-ray or ultrasound, to see
what else may be going on.
Heel pain can develop
suddenly or gradually. In
the case of plantar fasciitis,
it is a musculoskeletal injury
that results in inflammation
and pain under the heel as it
involves overstretching of the
thick fibrous tissue that forms
your arch. As it is difficult to
be off your foot completely to
let it repair, it can take time.
With the correct treatment,
your heel pain from plantar
fasciitis will resolve.
Treatments include gradual
stretching and strengthening,
cushions or foot orthoses,
compression, changing
footwear, shockwave
therapy or injection therapy,
depending on the severity. ➤

Danielle Veldhoen, podiatrist
Email your questions to:
[email protected]
Post: Diabetic Living, Q&A: Health,
GPO Box 7805, Sydney, NSW 2001.


Dr Google
As we lead busy lives, people are struggling to
find time to visit their GP. In the past 12 months
alone, 55 per cent of Australians have turned to
the internet to research their health problems,
with more than a third sourcing information on
medical conditions they may have. Although
this may seem easy, a lot of information online
can be misleading, and self-treatment can
make conditions worse. More than
half of doctors say video consults
would give better, more efficient
results. Yet, virtual visits can't be
claimed on Medicare. If you have a health
question, visit your healthcare team today.
across the world
are not active enough
to stay healthy.
1 in 4

  • World Health Organization

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 13
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