2019-11-01 Diabetic Living Australia

(Steven Felgate) #1

They’re a staple of summer

platters, but make sure

you pick your dips wisely


With the festive season
fast approaching and the
social calendar beginning to fill,
it can be useful to have a few
convenient and healthier party
platter options to serve. A dip
platter filled with colourful
vegie sticks and wholegrain
crackers is often the perfect
party starter. However, do
take care when choosing your
ready-made dips, as many can
be loaded with kilojoules, fat
and sodium.
Try to avoid dips based on
cream or cheese, which tend
to be high in fat, especially
saturated fat. Instead, opt for
yoghurt-based dips for a hit
of calcium, or dips based on
vegetables or legumes, which
tend to be higher in fibre
and nutrients.
And, as always, take a look at
the nutrition information panel
and aim to choose dips that are:

  • Less than 20g total fat
    per 100g;

  • No more than 3g saturated
    fat per 100g; and

  • Less than 400mg sodium
    per 100g. ➤

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