2019-11-01 Diabetic Living Australia

(Steven Felgate) #1

Move more

While the saying ‘you can’t
outrun a bad diet’ is true,
exercise still plays an
important role in weight
management, alongside the right
eating plan and the other habits
outlined here. To lose weight you
need to use up more energy than you
take in each day, and it’s much easier
to do this by working on both sides
of the equation, rather than using
diet or exercise alone. What’s more,
exercise not only burns kilojoules, it
also helps to build muscle, which in
turn increases your metabolism.
And it helps to improve sleep and
manage stress. Research has further
shown that regular exercise can help
to keep weight off once you’ve lost it.

Your action: Aim to exercise
for at least 30 minutes most days,
incorporate more incidental activity
where possible (such as taking
the stairs rather than the lift or
walking short distances rather than
driving) and break up sitting time
regularly throughout the day.


4 Optimise
your sleep
Getting enough sleep is
important for health
(including blood glucose
and insulin levels) and
weight. Lack of sleep can
impact hormones that affect
appetite and weight, with
studies showing increased
hunger in those who don’t
get enough sleep. A recent
review of research found
the lowest risk of being
overweight in those who
slept 7-8 hours per night
and almost a 10 per cent
increased risk of obesity
for each 1-hour decrease
in sleep below 7 hours.

Your action plan:
Make sleep a priority
and aim for 7-8 hours of
good-quality sleep a night.
Getting some exercise and
sunlight earlier in the day,
and avoiding screens and
bright lights at night, helps.
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