New Scientist - 26.10.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

54 | New Scientist | 26 October 2019

Run the world

If the world’s population all met
in one place and all ran in the
same direction, would this affect
Earth’s rotation?

Martin Gregorie
Harlow, Essex, UK
There would be no detectable
effect on Earth’s rotation, no
matter how fast people accelerate
when they start to run. That’s
because their mass is so much
less than that of the planet.
An ant running over my foot
while I float in the International
Space Station would have more
effect on my rotation because its
weight is more comparable to
mine than that of Earth’s
population is to Earth.

Herman D’Hondt
Newtown, New South Wales,
This would have about the same
effect as if one of the cells in your
body started running around you.
In other words, the total effect is
too small to be measurable.
Earth has a mass of around
6 × 10^24 kilograms, and that of its
7.5 billion people totals about
4 × 10^11 kg, making the planet about
10 trillion times more massive
than us. You have about 30 trillion
cells (ignoring bacteria). Hence in
terms of mass, the proportion of
one cell to the body is comparable
to that of all people to Earth – and
the effect will be similar.
There is another factor to take
into account. The main effect
of the runners on Earth would
happen when they start. Once
running, they only have to push
against Earth with a much smaller
force to overcome the friction of
the air. When they stop, they exert
a push in the opposite direction,
which cancels out the starting
push. Hence, the overall effect
consists only of the force needed
to overcome air resistance.

Hillary Shaw
Newport, Shropshire, UK
Humanity isn’t collectively as
heavy as you might think. Even if

there were 8 billion people with an
average mass of 100 kg each, that
would be a total of 800 million
tonnes. This equates to a block
of land 1 square kilometre by
250 metres deep; or a square km
of water 800 m deep; or a volume
of air 30 km by 30 km by 1 km.
Our mass is tiny even compared
with the moving air masses we call
weather. Think of ocean currents
and tides too. Typically all this air
and water will be going in different
directions at any one time,
resulting in the forces cancelling
each other out. So all humanity
running together will have no
more effect than a fly buzzing
round a car has on the car’s
balance and momentum.

Malcolm Cunningham
Paraparaumu, New Zealand
To quantify the effect, we use the
physical law of conservation of
angular momentum. This states
that the angular momentum of a
closed system remains constant.
Once the group of people are

running, they have a certain
amount of angular momentum,
so the counterrotating Earth
must have an equal and opposite
angular momentum.
This expression is dominated
by the ratio of the mass of people
to the mass of Earth. If everyone
ran at 10 kilometres per hour, the
opposite velocity of the surface of
Earth would be about 10-13 metres
per second. It would take people
running at this velocity around
10 years to move Earth’s surface
by the width of a human hair.

Richard Swifte
Darmstadt, Germany
Seasonal climatic shifts, by
comparison, do have a measurable
effect. In January and February,
Earth’s rotation slows by a few
milliseconds per day. Earth’s

atmosphere is estimated to have
a mass of more than 5 × 10^18 kg,
which is about 1 millionth of
Earth’s total mass, but far more
than the mass of its people.

Simon Rockett
Ipswich, Suffolk, UK
Can I refer you to Randall
Munroe’s analysis of “everyone
in the world jumping together”
as a reason not to try this, even
to answer a science question. The
key point being: what happens to
the world while everyone is away,
and how do they all get home?

Swim for it

My preferred form of exercise is
swimming. For a given distance,
which stroke is the best to use
in terms of calories burned

Harry Parkes
London, UK
Previous correspondents stated
that front crawl is the fastest
stroke, but this isn’t strictly true.
There are two underwater
strokes that are faster: the
dolphin kick and the fish kick.
These involve moving the legs
together up and down while
flexing the body and keeping
one arm straight out in front
in the direction of travel.
With dolphin kick, a person
typically swims facing
downwards. With the fish kick,
the swimmer is on their side. The
fish kick is the fastest of the two.
They aren’t recognised
as official strokes, but as an
enthusiast of underwater hockey,
I and my teammates regularly
break into dolphin kick to get that
extra bit of speed when racing
towards the opponent’s goal. ❚

This week’s new questions

Web sense How are spiders able to move so quickly
along their webs without getting their legs entangled?
Mantz Yorke, Manchester, UK

Playing dirty In view of the need to reduce
emissions because of climate change, which sport has
the highest carbon footprint after considering all factors?
Chris Humphries, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, UK

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How can spiders move
so rapidly on their webs
without getting entangled?
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