‘My tattoo of a Spitfire symbolises
the reasons why I joined the RAF,’
says Tash Kenny, a Flight Lieutenant
at RAF Halton in Aylesbury. ‘Learning
about the importance of air power
during WWII sparked my passion for
the military. I also had the Latin phrase,
“per ardua ad astra” inked on my arm,
which translates as “through adversity
to the stars”. It’s the Royal Air Force’s
official motto and relates to me on
so many personal levels. Like other
forms of art, tattoos have the ability
to give you hope even when things
aren’t turning out like you planned
- and having a Spitfire and Chinook
incorporated into a quarter sleeve
represents the past and present for
me. They’re iconic images that make
me feel proud to serve my country.’
Apowerful new photography series byCharlie Cliftexplores the
significanceof tattoos in the British armed forces and captures
the heartfelt stories of love and loss behind the ink