Marie Claire UK - 11.2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1



Ditch your wood-burning stove: A wood stove
emits more harmful particulates than a diesel truck.
Wood smoke is thick with the particulate matter known
as PM2.5, which is arguably the most health-hazardous
air pollutant (it’s thinner than a human hair and can
pass through the lungs and into the bloodstream) and is
linked to heart attacks, strokes, cancer and dementia.

A study commissioned by the Clean Air Day campaign
claims that many UK homes are ‘toxic boxes’, with
indoor air pollution over three times worse than
outdoor air pollution. Cooking and heating with
polluting fuels, poor ventilation, chemicals in cleaning
products and polluted air from traffic in the street
outside are mostly to blame.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are airborne
chemicals found in many household products.
Long-term exposure can lead to damage
to organs and the central nervous
system. And scented candles can be
harmful too, since burning them can
release toxic chemicals and particles.

What you can do

Open your windows: ‘Keep these and
doors open, especially when cooking or
cleaning,’ says Dr Kirsty Smallbone,
head of the School of Environment and
Technology at the University of Brighton
If you live on a busy road, open back
windows, or ventilate your home at night
when pollution levels are lower.’
If you must keep your wood-burning stove:
Ensure the wood is dry, as this emits fewer particles.
It’s recommended that wood is at least two years old –
look for the ‘ready to burn’ label.
Install an air purifier: These can reduce particle
pollutants by trapping them in a filter, though they
won’t remove all airborne gases and chemicals. In
reality, not all air purifiers necessarily live up to the
marketing hype. Look out for the CADR (clean air
delivery rate) rating. This measures the cleaning speed
of the purifier for removing smoke, dust and pollen.
Pick a CADR of at least 300 – above 350 is even better.
Buy anti-allergy cleaning products: As part of its
clean air strategy, the government wants companies to
label VOC-heavy goods, but until then, look for
products that specify anti-allergy, as these usually have
lower levels of volatile chemicals. Choose pump sprays
over aerosols or switch from airborne sprays to creams.
Go retro: All you need for an easy and quick
bathroom/kitchen deep clean is baking soda, white

vinegar, a scrubbing brush and a spray bottle. Add
a few drops of lemon juice for fragrance and a good
dose of elbow grease. Also, white vinegar and water
cleans glass and windows brilliantly.
Wise up on your wicks: Many scented candles are
made from paraffin wax, which emits harmful particulates

  • opt for soy, coconut or beeswax instead.
    Invest in houseplants: NASA’s clean air study
    discovered a number of air-purifying plants that can
    help detoxify your home, and found the spider plant to
    be the most effective. In two days, a plant will eliminate
    close to 90 per cent of toxins in a room. Its leaves
    absorb mould and other allergens. Chrysanthemums
    also filter out toxins, including ammonia and benzene,
    found in plastics, paints, detergents and glue.

Scientific research has found a link with what we eat and
our body’s ability to effectively hit back at
the effects of pollution. A diet rich in fruits,
vegetables, fish, poultry, wholegrains and
olive oil can help pollution-proof yourself,
and may also help repair any damage
already done. How? Antioxidants from the
food we eat help protect us from harmful
pollutants by neutralising the free radicals
so they can’t damage cells.

What you can do
Eat two portions of oily fish a
week: Researchers at Harvard Medical
School in the US discovered that
omega-3 fatty acids could help reduce
inflammation and oxidative stress – an imbalance of
free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can
lead to cell and tissue damage – from air pollution by
between 30 to 50 per cent.
Increase your vitamin intake: Vitamin E is an
immunity-boosting antioxidant. Scientists at King’s
College London discovered that high levels of the
vitamin – found in avocado, spinach and olive oil – may
minimise the effects of air pollution. Vitamin C is a
potent antioxidant – get your daily fix with berries,
grapefruit or any green veg – while vitamin B loves
your heart. A study by Columbia University in
the US found that B vitamins in broccoli
protected the heart from air pollution.n







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