Marie Claire UK - 11.2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1


As one of Westminster’s most straight-talking, no-nonsense MPs,
Jess Phillips knows a thing or two about calling out BS. Here, she
pays tribute to her four-foot-nothing nan, who taught her to call
a spade a spade, even when that spade is the Prime Minister




Raisedby grans:
Jess, Labour MP
for Birmingham
Yardley (top), and
as a 23-year-old
with Nanny Jess
(above), who was
in her nineties

Learning to stand up for myself didn’t come
tome in an epiphany – it was my culture.
I guess you could say that I was raised by wolves.
Both of my parents were strident political
campaigners,and in my house you were
as likely to hear the phrase, ‘This isn’t
right, we’ve got to do something about
it!’ as you were to hear, ‘Pop the kettle
on, bab.’ The folklore of my family
always revolved around things
people had done to stand up to
bullies and bigots. I remember how
proud my parents were of my
brother, Joe, when he took on
the local bully as he was
picking on our neighbour.

As I was raised by
wolves, so too were
my parents,and when
asked who taught me to
be a stroppy madam
who will not quit if
something is not
right, the answer is
my nan and grandma.
When I was little, I spent
my formative years in the
homes of my grandparents while
my parents were at work. My
grandmothers lived streets apart from each other
and were hard, working-class women. They knew
painand hardship and it had made them tough.
They were generous and kind, and were certain
about right and wrong – and didn’t mind telling
you, or anyone, if you fell on the wrong side.

My favourite story about my Nanny Jess
(my namesake) is the time she was on the
top deck of a bus with lots of people,
includinga load of skinheads who were abusing
the only Asian bloke. It was the early 80s and she
was in her seventies. While everyone looked out of

thewindow, my tiny four-foot-nothing nan went
andsat next to him, then turned to this gang of
racists and told them that racists was what they
wereand asked them why they had no humanity
for their fellow man. I don’t think she clipped
themround the ear, but the threat was probably
there, and miraculously they quietened down.

I’m glad to say that race relations have
moved on a bit since the 80s,but I think we
have lost some of the grit of my grandparents’
generation. They definitely gave that to me.
I have stood up to school bullies; I have
stopped dangerous fights in the street;
I have walked into the middle of angry
protests and stood my ground. My
grandparents and my parents taught me
thatyou should call a spade a spade, even
if that spade is the Prime Minister.
Nowadays, we worry too much about
offending people or saying
the wrong thing. Today, we
desperatelywant to be more
likemy granny and stride up
to people and give them what
for, but something stops us.

There is no better feeling
in the world than the
euphoria you get from
calling out bullshit. The
buzz I feel in my chest when
I swallow my fear and rise to
my feet in Parliament to fight
back, or when I stand up to those who don’t like
peoplewho are gay or of colour. People cheer the
braveand, as they cheer, they are wishing they had
done or said something, too. Being brave in the
faceof conflict was the way. Nothing changes if we
donothing. My nan knew that and so should you.
Let’sbe more Nanny Jess.
Truth to Power: 7 Ways to Call Time on BSby Jess
Phillips MP is out in October (£9.99 , Monoray)
Free download pdf